Søk: 'Optimization In Economic Theory 2e: Pb'
Globalization Theory: Approaches and Controversies
ISBN 9780745632117 , 2007 , David Held, Anthony G. McGrew
Strategic Management: Theory and Application
ISBN 9780199216468 , 2007 , Adrian Haberberg, Alison Rieple
Globalization Theory: Approaches and Controversies
ISBN 9780745632100 , 2007 , David Held, Anthony G. McGrew
Basic Ship Theory
ISBN 9780582219229 , 1994
Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach
ISBN 9780618731695 , 2007 , Gareth R. Jones, Charles W. L. Hill
Environmentalism and Cultural Theory: Exploring the Role of Anthropology in Environmental Discourse
ISBN 9780203205440 , 2002 , Kay Milton
Joining Together: Pearson New International Edition: Group Theory and Group Skills
ISBN 9781292022635 , 2013 , David H. Johnson, Frank P. Johnson
Guide to economic indicators : making sense of economics
ISBN 9781861974679 , 2003
Microeconomic theory : basic principles and extensions
ISBN 9780324585377 , 2008
European Economic History: From Mercantilism to Maastricht and Beyond
ISBN 9788763000178 , 2001 , Ejvind Damsgaard Hansen
Japanese Tourists: Socio-Economic, Marketing and Psychological Analysis
ISBN 9780789009708 , 2000 , K. S. Chon, Tsutomu Inagaki, Taiji Ohashi
Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory: Text and Readings
ISBN 9781412992336 , 2011 , Scott A. Appelrouth
Fund Modern Manufacturing 2e Update with Manufacturing Processes Sampler Dvd and Student Survey Set
ISBN 9780471733867 , 2004 , 2. utgave , Groover
Introduction to Cryptography With Coding Theory
ISBN 9788131714768 , 2007 , Trappe
Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements
ISBN 9780470646182 , 2011 , Richard S. Figliola, Donald E. Beasley
Economic Evaluation of Interventions for Occupational Health and Safety: Developing Good Practice
ISBN 9780199533596 , 2008 , Emile Tompa, Anthony Culyer, Roman Dolinschi
Linear System Theory
ISBN 9780387975733 , 1994 , Frank M. Callier, Charles A. Desoer,m.fl.
Algorithmic Number Theory
ISBN 9780262024051 , 1996 , Eric Bach, Jeffrey Outlaw Shallit
Ancient Health: Skeletal Indicators of Agricultural and Economic Intensification
ISBN 9780813030821 , 2007 , Clark Spencer Larsen, Mark Nathan Cohen,m.fl.
One Economics, Many Recipes: Globalization, Institutions, and Economic Growth
ISBN 9780691129518 , 2007 , Dani Rodrik
Competition Policy: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780521016919 , 2004 , Massimo Motta
Contemporary Film Theory
ISBN 9780582090323 , 1993 , Antony Easthope
Reliability of Safety-Critical Systems: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9781118112724 , 2014 , Marvin Rausand
People Before Profit: The New Globalization in an Age of Terror, Big Money, and Economic Crisis
ISBN 9780285636637 , 2003 , Charles Derber
RF Circuit Design: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9780131471375 , 2008 , Gene Bogdanov, Reinhold Ludwig
Technology and the Pursuit of Economic Growth
ISBN 9780521389365 , 1991 , Nathan Rosenberg, David C. Mowery
A Bibliography of Female Economic Thought up to 1940
ISBN 9780415238175 , 2004 , Kirsten Kara Madden, Janet A. Seiz,m.fl.
Alternatives to Economic Globalisation - A Better World is Possible
ISBN 9781576753033 , 2004
Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780415432047 , 2010 , Owen Hargie
A Theory of Shopping
ISBN 9780745619460 , 1998 , Daniel Miller