Søk: 'Spaces of mobility: essays on the planning, ethics, engineering and religion of human motion'
Anatomy of a controversy: the debate over Essays and reviews 1860-1864
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On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
ISBN 9780340769966 , 2000 , Stephen King
Chinese Religion: An Anthology of Sources
ISBN 9780195088953 , 1995 , Deborah Sommer
On global order: power, values, and the constitution of international society
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Cryogenic Engineering: Fifty Years of Progress
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Culture of Cells for Tissue Engineering
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Culture of Cells for Tissue Engineering
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Good Education in Age of Measurement: Ethics, Politics, Democracy
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The Myth and Ritual Theory: On the Liturgical Cosummation of Philosophy
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Legality and community: on the intellectual legacy of Philip Selznick
ISBN 9780742516250 , 2001 , Philip Selznick, Robert A. Kagan, Martin Krygier,m.fl.
Acquisition of Software Engineering Know: An Automatic Programming System Based on Genetic Programming and Cultural Algorithms
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A Practical Treaties on the Cultivation of The Grape Vine on Open Walls.
ISBN 9781116017038 , 2009 , Clement Hoare
Deep Ecology and World Religions: New Essays on Sacred Grounds
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Life and death matters: human rights and the environment at the end of the millennium
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The End of Human Rights: Critical Legal Thought at the Turn of the Century
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Space for small enterprise: reflections on urban livelihood and urban planning in the Sudan
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Animal disease and human trauma: emotional geographies of disaster
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Born in Africa: The Quest for the Origins of Human Life
ISBN 9781586486631 , 2010 , Martin Meredith
Augustine and His Critics: Essays in Honour of Gerald Bonner
ISBN 9780415200639 , 2002 , R. J. Dodaro, George P. Lawless
Drudgery Divine: On the Comparison of Early Christianities and the Religions of Late Antiquity
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Situated Cognition: On Human Knowledge and Computer Representations
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A Garden of Quanta: Essays in Honor of Hiroshi Ezawa
ISBN 9789812384454 , 2003 , J. Arafune, A. Arai, M. Kobayashi, T. Nakamura,m.fl.
Video spaces: eight installations
ISBN 9780870706462 , 1995 , Barbara London, Samuel R. Delany
A Treatise on the American Law of Easements and Servitudes
ISBN 9781893122796 , 2000 , Emory Washburn
Continuity and Change on the United States Courts of Appeals
ISBN 9780472111589 , 2000 , Donald R. Songer, Reginald S. Sheehan,m.fl.
Immunology of Human Infection
ISBN 9780306402579 , 1981
History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780071315562 , 2013 , R.R. Palmer