Søk: 'The Silent Echo: The Middle-Aged Female Body in Contemporary Women's Fiction'
Technology and the Logic of American Racism: A Cultural History of the Body as Evidence
ISBN 9780826447500 , 2000 , Sarah E. Chinn
Speaking in God's name: Islamic law, authority and women
ISBN 9781851682621 , 2001
Mathematically Modelling the Electrical Activity of the Heart: From Cell to Body Surface and Back Again
ISBN 9789812563736 , 2005 , Andrew J. Pullan, Martin L. Buist
International Law and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Rights-based Approach to Middle East Peace
ISBN 9780415573238 , 2010 , Michael Lynk, Susan M. Akram, Iain Scobbie
Bad Girls of Pulp Fiction
ISBN 9780762412563 , 2002 , Running Press, Nancy Armstrong,m.fl.
ISBN 9788271778767 , 2012
Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
ISBN 9780323091770 , 2013 , James R. Hupp, Edward Ellis
Drømmeløs: kriminalroman
ISBN 9788205423169 , 2012
'Ecclesia Nidrosiensis' and 'Noregs veldi'; the role of the Church in the making of Norwegian domination in the Norse world
ISBN 9788232101757 , 2012 , Steinar Imsen
The Body Shape Bible: Forget Your Size, Discover Your Shape, Transform Yourself
ISBN 9780753823330 , 2008 , Susannah Constantine, Trinny Woodall
Theatres of the body: a psychoanalytic approach to psychosomatic illness
ISBN 9781853431074 , 1989 , Joyce McDougall
Group Dynamics in Exercise and Sport Psychology: Contemporary Themes
ISBN 9780415426657 , 2007
The Paris Review Book for Planes, Trains, Elevators, and Waiting Rooms
ISBN 9780312422400 , 2004 , The Paris Review
Youth in Society: Contemporary Theory, Policy and Practice
ISBN 9781412900249 , 2004 , Jeremy Roche, Stan Tucker, Ronny Flynn,m.fl.
A Manual of Anthropometry Or a Guide to the Physical Examination and Measurement of the Human Body
ISBN 9781141516056 , 2010 , Charles Roberts
Anatomy and Physiology Online for The Human Body in Health & Disease (User Guide, Access Code and Textbook Package)
ISBN 9780323054881 , 2009 , Gary A. Thibodeau, Kevin T. Patton
Contemporary Security and Strategy
ISBN 9780230241503 , 2011 , Craig A. Snyder
Body Projects in Japanese Childcare: Culture, Organization and Emotions in Preschool
ISBN 9780700704484 , 1996 , Eyal Ben-Ari
Conflict and Its Resolution in Contemporary Africa
ISBN 9780761808510 , 1997 , Harry G. West, Kenneth W. Thompson,m.fl.
Conflict and Its Resolution in Contemporary Africa
ISBN 9780761808503 , 1997 , Harry G. West, Kenneth W. Thompson,m.fl.
A people divided: Judaism in contemporary America
ISBN 9780874518481 , 1997 , Jack Wertheimer
In the Presence of the Enemy
ISBN 9780340831434 , 2004 , Elizabeth George
In the shadow of the ark
ISBN 9780689872693 , 2004 , Anne Provoost
Black Visions: The Roots of Contemporary African-American Political Ideologies
ISBN 9780226138619 , 2003 , Michael C. Dawson
Southern Women Playwrights: New Essays in History and Criticism
ISBN 9780817310790 , 2001 , Robert L. McDonald, Linda Rohrer Paige
A Practical Reader in Contemporary Literary Theory
ISBN 9780134425672 , 1996 , Peter Brooker, Peter Widdowson
Color Atlas of Anatomy: A Photographic Study of the Human Body
ISBN 9780781731942 , 2002
Using Psychology in the Classroom
ISBN 9781446201664 , 2012 , Stephen James Minton
The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet
ISBN 9780262571548 , 2001 , Ken Goldberg
Hudløs himmel
ISBN 9788242114815 , 2004 , Herbjørg Wassmo, Marit Adeleide Andreassen