Søk: 'Weberian Sociological Theory'
Communication Theory and Research: An Ejc Anthology
ISBN 9781412918329 , 2005 , Denis McQuail
Conduct And Character: Readings In Moral Theory
ISBN 9780534589097 , 2005 , Mark Timmons
WIE Personality: Theory and Research, 9th Edition
ISBN 9780471658443 , 2005 , 9. utgave , Daniel Cervone, Oliver P. John,m.fl.
Spatial Control of Vibration: Theory and Experiments
ISBN 9789812383372 , 2003 , S. O. Reza Moheimani, Andrew J. Fleming,m.fl.
Strategic Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412919005 , 2005 , John Storey, Graeme Salaman, Jon Billsberry
Women entrepreneurs: theory, research and policy implications
ISBN 9788276346671 , 2005
Advances in Evolutionary Computing: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9783540433309 , 2003
Multicultural Citizenship : A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights
ISBN 9780191520976 , 1995 , Will Kymlicka
A Combinatorial Approach to Matrix Theory and Its Applications
ISBN 9781420082234 , 2009 , Richard A. Brualdi, Dragos Cvetkovic,m.fl.
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics: Basic Theory and Advanced Methods
ISBN 9780521898638 , 2009 , Dominik Marx, Jürg Hutter
A Cp-Theory Problem Book: Topological and Function Spaces
ISBN 9781441974419 , 2011 , Vladimir V. Tkachuk
An Introduction to Banach Space Theory
ISBN 9780387984315 , 1998 , Ann Arbor, R. E. Megginson
An Introduction to Modern Political Theory
ISBN 9780333912898 , 2000 , Norman P. Barry
Geometric Measure Theory: A Beginner's Guide
ISBN 9780125068512 , 2000 , Frank Morgan
Ethical theory: The questions of objectivity
ISBN 9780198751922 , 1998 , James Rachels
Mechanical Vibration Practice With Basic Theory
ISBN 9781842650240 , 2000 , Viswanatha Ramamurti
The Theory of Vibration with Applications
ISBN 9780748743803 , 1996 , Baron William Thomson Kelvin, Willia Thomson
Error control coding: from theory to practice
ISBN 9780470843567 , 2002 , Peter Sweeney
Ethical business leadership: balancing theory and practice
ISBN 9780820457109 , 2002 , Sherwin Klein
Always change a winning team: a text on soccer and game theory
ISBN 9788251929219 , 2012 , Kjetil K. Haugen
International postmodernism: theory and literary practice
ISBN 9789027234438 , 1997 , Johannes Willem Bertens, Douwe Wessel Fokkema
International Postmodernism: Theory and Literary Practice
ISBN 9789027234452 , 1997 , Johannes Willem Bertens, Douwe Wessel Fokkema
Studyguide for Theory of Asset Pricing by Pennacchi, George, ISBN 9780321127204
ISBN 9780321127204 , 2010 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Interdisciplinarity: History, Theory, and Practice
ISBN 9780814320884 , 1990 , Julie Thompson Klein
Strategic management in the media: from theory to practice
ISBN 9781412903127 , 2008 , Lucy Kung
How to Interpret Literature: Critical Theory for Literary and Cultural Studies
ISBN 9780199757503 , 2012 , Robert Dale Parker
Applied Organizational Communication: Theory and Practice in a Global Environment
ISBN 9780805859416 , 2007 , Mark D. Nelson, Thomas E. Harris (Ph. D.)
Organization Theory for the Public Sector: Instrument, Culture and Myth
ISBN 9780415433815 , 2007 , Tom Christensen, Paul G. Roness, Per Lagrid,m.fl.
The counselor and the group: integrating theory, training, and practice
ISBN 9780415951975 , 2006 , James P. Trotzer
AS/A2 English Literature: Critical Context and Theory
ISBN 9781844894758 , 2008 , Michael Fynes-Clinton