Søk: 'Anthropology--the cultural perspective'
Brain, mind, and behavior: a new perspective on human nature
ISBN 9780275954680 , 1996 , David L. Robinson, H.J. Eysenck
Social Stratification And Inequality: Class Conflict in Historical, Comparative, and Global Perspective
ISBN 9780072997699 , 2006 , Harold R. Kerbo
Cross-cultural Business Behavior: Negotiating, Selling, Sourcing and Managing Across Cultures
ISBN 9789147077229 , 2005 , Richard R. Gesteland
Etne; kulturhistorisk vegvisar = a guide to cultural history = kulturhistorischer Wegweiser
ISBN 9788273260390 , 2001 , Nils Georg Brekke, Erik Kvalheim
Cross-cultural business behavior: marketing, negotiating, sourcing and managing across cultures
ISBN 9788763000932 , 2002 , Richard R. Gesteland
Chemistry for the biosciences: the essential concepts
ISBN 9780199570874 , 2010 , Jonathan Crowe, Tony Bradshaw
Learning and the Marketplace: A Philosophical, Cross-Cultural (And Occasionally Irreverent) Guide for Business and Academe
ISBN 9780809320684 , 1996 , Alison Kirk
Learning and the Marketplace: A Philosophical, Cross-Cultural (And Occasionally Irreverent) Guide for Business and Academe
ISBN 9780809320929 , 1996 , Alison Kirk
Contagious ideas: on evolution, culture, archaeology, and cultural virus theory
ISBN 9781842170144 , 2000 , Ben Sandford Cullen
Madonna's Drowned Worlds: New Approaches to Her Cultural Transformations, 1983-2003
ISBN 9780754633716 , 2004 , Santiago Fouz-Hernandez, Freya Jarman-Ivens
The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Volume 2: 1865 to the Present
ISBN 9780393918878 , 2013 , Nina Baym, Robert S. Levine
Arts in cultural diversity: a selection of papers
ISBN 9780039002343 , 1980 , International Society For Education Through Art,m.fl.
Studia Post Biblica, a Samaritan Philosophy: A Study of the Hellenistic Cultural Ethos of the Memar Marqah
ISBN 9789004063129 , 1981 , Alexander Broadie
The Official SAT Study Guide, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780874478525 , 2009 , 2. utgave , The College Board
Field of cultural production - essays on art and literature
ISBN 9780745609874 , 1993 , Pierre Bourdieu
The Politics of the Earth: Environmental Discourses
ISBN 9780199696000 , 2012 , John S. Dryzek
Cultural Analysis: The Work of Peter Berger, Mary Douglas, Michel Foucault, and Jurgen Habernas
ISBN 9780710099945 , 1984
Organizing Innovation: New Approaches to Cultural Change And Intervention in Public Sector Organizations
ISBN 9781586035785 , 2006 , Marcel Veenswijk
Personality Development in Adolescence: A Cross National and Life Span Perspective
ISBN 9780415135054 , 1998 , Anna Louise von der Lippe,m.fl.
Organizational behavior and change: managing diversity, cross-cultural dynamics, and ethics
ISBN 9780324027099 , 2000 , Joseph W. Weiss
Leonardo to the Internet: Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
ISBN 9781421401539 , 2011 , Thomas J. Misa
Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy
ISBN 9781446282106 , 2014 , Peter Dicken
Research on Mother Tongue Education in a Comparative International Perspective: Theoretical and Methodological Issues
ISBN 9789042022782 , 2007 , Sigmund Ongstad, Wolfgang Herrlitz,m.fl.
Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm
ISBN 9780077131715 , 2012 , Valarie A. Zeithaml, Dwayne D. Gremler,m.fl.
English for International Negotiations: A Cross-Cultural Case Study Approach
ISBN 9780521657495 , 1998 , Drew Rodgers
Molecular Biology of the Cell
ISBN 9780815344643 , 2014 , Bruce Alberts, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts,m.fl.
Spaces of Identity: Global Media, Electronic Landscapes and Cultural Boundaries
ISBN 9780415095976 , 1995 , David Morley, Kevin Robins
Social Stratification and Inequality: Class Conflict in Historical, Comparative, and Global Perspective
ISBN 9780072487701 , 2003 , Harold R. Kerbo
Out of Site - Landscape and Cultural Reflexivity in New Hollywood Cinema 1969-1974
ISBN 9783836458504 , 2008 , Henrik Gustafsson
Chemistry for the Biosciences: The Essential Concepts
ISBN 9780199662883 , 2014 , Jonathan Crowe, Tony Bradshaw