Søk: 'Biopolymer Research Trends'
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Anxiety Sensitivity: Theory, Research and Treatment of the Fear of Anxiety
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Exploring Space, Exploring Earth: New Understanding of the Earth from Space Research
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Subject Teaching and Teacher Education in the New Century: Research and Innovation
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Advances in Services Marketing and Management: Research and Practice: Vol 7
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African American Culture and Heritage in Higher Education Research and Practice
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Borderline Case: International Tax Policy, Corporate Research and Development, and Investment
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Sexual Interactions and HIV Risk: New Conceptual Perspectives in European Research
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British Housebuilders: History and Analysis
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Advances in Personal Construct Psychology: A Research Annual. 1990
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Manufacturing Strategy: The Research Agenda for the Next Decade
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Hot Topic - Cold Comfort: Climate Change and Attitude Change
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Ethical Issues in Mental Health Research with Children and Adolescents
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Building Academic Success on Social and Emotional Learning: What Does the Research Say
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Classical Genetic Research and Its Legacy: The Mapping Cultures of Twentieth Century Genetics
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Classical Genetic Research and its Legacy: The Mapping Cultures of Twentieth-Century Genetics
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Information and Communication Technologies in Everyday Life: A Concise Introduction and Research Guide
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