Søk: 'Computer ethics: cautionary tales and ethical dilemmas in computing'
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Computers As Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design
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Essential Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
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Am I My Brother's Keeper?: The Ethical Frontiers of Biomedicine
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Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments
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Strategic Budgeting: A Computer Program for Strategic Budgeting and Performance Assessment
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A forum on "The Role of Culture in Industrial Asia--The Relationship between Confucian Ethics and Modernisation."
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Globalisation and Europeanisation in Education
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Computer Skills Workbook for Fluency with Information Technology: Skills, Concepts, and Capabilities
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Islam and Politics in Afghanistan
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Computing and Combinatorics: 8th Annual International Conference, COCOON 2002, Singapore, August 15-17, 2002 Proceedings
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The International Handbook of Computer Security
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Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
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Autonomic and Trusted Computing: 4th International Conference, ATC 2007, Hong Kong, China, July 11-13, 2007, Proceedings
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Leadership in Organizations
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Matters of Life and Death: A Jewish Approach to Modern Medical Ethics
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Well and Good, third edition: A Case Study Approach to Biomedical Ethics
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Modern software development using Java: a text for the second course in computer science
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Key Concepts in Crime and Society
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Computer Accounting with QuickBooks Pro 2001
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The Common Thread: A Story of Science, Politics, Ethics, and the Human Genome
ISBN 9780309084093 , 2002 , National Academy of Sciences, John Sulston,m.fl.