Søk: 'Domain-driven Design'
Computers As Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design
ISBN 9781558606937 , 2000 , Wayne Wolf
High-speed networks: TCP/IP and ATM design principles
ISBN 9780135259658 , 1998 , William Stallings
The Web Designer's Idea Book, Volume 3: Inspiration from Today's Best Web Design Trends, Themes and Styles
ISBN 9781440323966 , 2013 , Patrick McNeil
Valuepack: Design Patterns:Elements of Reusable Object-oriented Software with Applying Uml and Patterns:an Introduction to Object-oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development
ISBN 9781405837309 , 2005 , Craig Larman, Erich Gamma, Richard Helm,m.fl.
Studyguide for Interaction Design: Beyond Human Computer Interaction by Helen Sharp, ISBN 9780470018668
ISBN 9781614908739 , 2011 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Advanced Multi-Frequency Radar: Design, Preliminary Measurements and Particle Size Distribution Retrieval
ISBN 9783639160093 , 2009 , Ninoslav Majurec
Studyguide for Analog Integrated Circuit Design by Johns & Martin, ISBN 9780471144489: 0471144487
ISBN 9781428852341 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Invention by Design: How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing
ISBN 9780674463684 , 1998 , Henry Petroski
e-Study Guide for: Organizational Theory, Design, and Change by Gareth R. Jones, ISBN 9780136087311
ISBN 9781467298513 , 2012 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
e-Study Guide for: Meggs' History of Graphic Design by Philip B. Meggs, ISBN 9780470168738
ISBN 9780470168738 , 2012 , Philip B. Meggs, Alston W. Purvis
Achieving the Desired Indoor Climate: Energy Efficiency Aspects of System Design
ISBN 9789144032351 , 2003 , Per Erik Nilsson
CAD/CAM: computer-aided design and manufacturing
ISBN 9780131101302 , 1984 , Mikell P. Groover, Emory W. Zimmers
Objects of desire: design and society since 1970
ISBN 9780500274125 , 1986 , Adrian Forty
Measurement, Design, and Analysis: An Integrated Approach/Student Edition
ISBN 9780805810639 , 1991
Java Software Solutions.: CodeMate Enhanced Edition. Foundations of Program Design.
ISBN 9780321225368 , 2003 , John Lewis, William Loftus
Qualitative Research in Psychology: Expanding Perspectives in Methodology and Design
ISBN 9781557989796 , 2003 , Jean E. Rhodes, Lucy Yardley, Paul Marc Camic
Sinus 1DH/1MK: matematikk for design og handverk, medium og kommunikasjon
ISBN 9788202255589 , 2006 , Per Ragnar Møkleby, Tore Oldervoll,m.fl.
Design Of Nonlinear Control Systems With The Highest Derivative In Feedback
ISBN 9789812388995 , 2004 , Valery D. Yurkevich
Studyguide for Research Design and Methods by Bordens, ISBN 9780073125985: 0073125989
ISBN 9781428800168 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
The Elements of Graphic Design: Space, Unity, Page Architecture, and Type
ISBN 9781581152500 , 2002 , Alexander W. White, Alex W. White
Elements of Design: Rowena Reed Kostellow and the Structure of Visual Relationships
ISBN 9781568983295 , 2002 , Gail Greet Hannah
Designing with the Mind in Mind: Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Rules
ISBN 9780080963020 , 2010 , Jeff Johnson, aa
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals and Xilinx Student Edition 4.2 Package
ISBN 9780131247116 , 2003 , M. Morris Mano, Charles R. Kime
High-speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic
ISBN 9780133957242 , 1993 , Howard W. Johnson, Graham Martin
Design and Implementation of a Database Programming Language for XML-based Applications
ISBN 9781586036867 , 2006 , Henrike Schuhart
Medical device design for six sigma: a road map for safety and effectiveness
ISBN 9780470168615 , 2008 , Basem El-Haik
Digital Design for Print and Web: An Introduction to Theory, Principles, and Techniques
ISBN 9780470398364 , 2010 , John P. DiMarco
A Mathematical Theory of Design: Foundations, Algorithms and Applications
ISBN 9780792350798 , 1998 , Dan Braha, Oded Z. Maimon
Introduction to system analysis and design: a structured approach
ISBN 9780697124142 , 1996 , Penny A. Kendall
Java the UML Way: Integrating Object-Oriented Design and Programming
ISBN 9780470843864 , 2002 , Else Lervik, Vegard B. Havdal