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Analysis of Engineering Design Studies for Demilitarization of Assembled Chemical Weapons at Pueblo Chemical Depot
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Advances in forest products environmental and process engineering: the 1993 Forest Products Symposium
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Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials: Volume 1: Static and Quasi-Static Loading Volume 2: Dynamic Loading and Intelligent Material Systems
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Introductory Statistics and Random Phenomena: Uncertainty, Complexity, and Chaotic Behavior in Engineering and Science
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Barrages, engineering design & environmental impacts: international conference, 10-13 September 1996, Cardiff, UK
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Advances in Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering: Proceedings of IETA 2005, TeNe 2005 and EIAE 2005
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Analysis of Engineering Design Studies for Demilitarization of Assembled Chemical Weapons at Blue Grass Army Depot
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Advanced Calculus and Its Applications to the Engineering and Physical Sciences
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Cyclopedia of Engineering: A General Reference Work on Steam Boilers and Pumps; Steam, Stationary, Locomotive, and Marine Engines; Steam Turbines
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Advances in Scattering and Biomedical Engineering: Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop, Tsepelovo, Greece, 18-21 September 2003
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A first course in electrical and computer engineering: with MATLAB programs and experiments
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Crossing the border: the social and engineering design of computer integrated manufacturing systems
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Designers' Guide to En 1991-1-2, 1992-1-2, 1993-1-2 and 1994-1-2: Handbook for the Fire Design of Steel, Composite and Conrete Structures to the Eurocodes
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Human performance engineering: designing high quality, professional user interfaces for computer products, applications, and systems
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Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 10th International Conference, XP 2009, Pula, Sardinia, Italy, May 25-29, 2009, Proceedings
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A Collection of Papers Presented by The Fire Safety Engineering Group: At INTERFLAM'2010, University of Nottingham, UK, 5-7 July 2010
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Cyclopedia of Engineering: A General Reference Work on Steam Boilers, Pumps, Engines, and Turbines, Gas and Oil Engines, Automobiles, Marine and Locom
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