Søk: 'Global warming: a very short introduction'
Climate Change and Cultural Dynamics: A Global Perspective on Mid-Holocene Transitions
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American Civilization: An Introduction
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Introduction to Genomics
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Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation: Global Edition
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Alfred Farag and Egyptian theater: the poetics of disguise, with four short plays and a monologue
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Tecpán Guatemala: A Modern Maya Town in Global and Local Context
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An Introduction to Book History
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Corporate Finance, plus MyFinanceLab with Pearson eText, Global Edition
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Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy
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Human Rights and Global Diversity
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Consumer Behaviour: A European Outlook
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Places and Regions in Global Context: Human Geography
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An Introduction to Qualitative Research
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Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology
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Judaism: An Introduction
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Economics from a Global Perspective: A Text Book for Use with the International Baccalaureate Economics Programme
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A Global Perspective on Health and Human Development: Vce Units 3&4
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