Søk: 'Looseleaf for Health Psychology'
Innføring i barnerett for barnevernspedagoger
ISBN 9788215021607 , 2013 , Ragnhild Collin-Hansen
Applied Psychology (Volume 7); Processes and Personality
ISBN 9780217687140 , 2010 , Warren Hilton
Cognitive Psychology: A Student's Handbook, 6th Edition
ISBN 9781841695396 , 2010 , 6. utgave , Michael W. Eysenck
Community psychology: challenges, controversies and emerging consensus
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Brain & behavior: an introduction to biological psychology
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Brain & behavior: an introduction to biological psychology
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The Psychology of Special Disability in Spelling
ISBN 9781143064296 , 2010 , Leta Stetter Hollingworth, C Amelia Winford
Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Personality Psychology
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Democracy and Dictatorship: Their Psychology and Patterns
ISBN 9780415605274 , 2010
Prevention and Control of Pain in Children: A Manual for Health Care Professionals
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Studyguide for Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance by Williams, ISBN 9780072843835
ISBN 9781428826960 , 2007 , all material written by Cram101.,m.fl.
Studyguide for Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior by Passer & Smith, ISBN 9780073133683
ISBN 9781428821163 , 2007 , all material written by Cram101.,m.fl.
Vitenskap, kunnskap og praksis: innføring i vitenskapsfilosofi for helse- og sosialfag
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Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature
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Abnormal psychology: an integrative approach
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En barnehage for alle: spesialpedagogikk i barnehagelærerutdanningen
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Psychology today: an introduction
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Kommunikasjon for ledere og organisasjoner
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Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis
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Object relations and self psychology: an introduction
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Vitamin A in Health and Disease
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How to Think Straight About Psychology
ISBN 9780321047137 , 2000 , Keith E. Stanovich
Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life
ISBN 9780321056078 , 1999 , James N. Butcher, Robert C. Carson, Susan Mineka
European Review of Social Psychology
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Sport Psychology: Concepts and Applications
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QED 5-10; matematikk for grunnskolelærerutdanningen
ISBN 9788202420987 , 2014 , Peer Sverre Andersen
An Introduction to the Sociology of Health and Illness
ISBN 9781412918787 , 2008 , Kevin White
A History of Modern Psychology
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ISBN 9788215021058 , 2014 , Benthe Kolberg Jansson
Psychology and law: a critical introduction
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