Søk: 'Norwegian Minds, American Dreams: Ethnic Activism Among Norwegian-American Intellectuals'
An Empire of Indifference: American War and the Financial Logic of Risk Management
ISBN 9780822339960 , 2007 , Randy Martin
America! America!: A Book about America and the American People ...
ISBN 9788200364405 , 1986 , Arve Fretheim
A Comparative A-Level British and American Government and Politics Revision Guide
ISBN 9781860837173 , 2005 , Russell Tillson
Macmillan English Dictionary: For Advanced Learners of American English; includes CD-ROM
ISBN 9780333966723 , 2005 , Michael Rundell
Fire and Vegetation Dynamics: Studies from the North American Boreal Forest
ISBN 9780521349437 , 1996 , Edward A. Johnson, H. John B. Birks, J. A. Wiens
Bad Women: The Regulation of Female Sexuality in Early American Cinema
ISBN 9780816626250 , 1995 , Janet Staiger
Series of Dreams: The Vision Songs of Bob Dylan
ISBN 9780955318351 , 2008 , John Burns
American Government + Mypoliscilab: Roots and Reform, 2009 Texas Edition, Books a La Carte
ISBN 9780205668656 , 2009
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations: Documents and Essays Volume II, . Since 1914
ISBN 9780495800170 , 2009 , Thomas G. Paterson, Dennis Merrill
A Collection of Valuable Documents
ISBN 9781407659343 , 2012 , American Anti-Slavery Society
The New Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations: Volume 3, the Globalizing of America, 1913-1945
ISBN 9780521763288 , 2013
Back to Basics: How to Learn and Enjoy Traditional American Skills
ISBN 9780895779397 , 1997 , Reader's Digest
How Teachers Taught: Constancy and Change in American Classrooms, 1890-1990
ISBN 9780807732267 , 1993 , Larry Cuban
Prosthetic Memory: The Transformation of American Remembrance in the Age of Mass Culture
ISBN 9780231129275 , 2004
American Heat: Ethical Problems With the United States' Response to Global Warming
ISBN 9780742512962 , 2002 , Tim Weiskel
American heat: ethical problems with the United States' response to global warming
ISBN 9780742512955 , 2002 , Tim Weiskel
Whose World Order?: Russia's Perception of American Ideas After the Cold War
ISBN 9780268042295 , 2004 , Andrei P. Tsygankov
Unstrange Minds: A Father Remaps the World of Autism
ISBN 9781840468939 , 2008 , Roy Richard Grinker
Physical Review, Volume 2
ISBN 9781142677725 , 2010 , Cornell University, American Institute Of Physics,m.fl.
American Catholic Crossroads: Religious-Secular Encounters in the Modern World
ISBN 9780313224676 , 1981
Improbable Scholars: The Rebirth of a Great American School System and a Strategy for America's Schools
ISBN 9780199987498 , 2013 , David L. Kirp
Gong Hee Fot Choy Book of Dreams
ISBN 9780890873342 , 1995 , Margarete Ward
The curriculum for the 10-year compulsory school in Norway; Norwegian, English and drama and rhythmics for deaf pupils
ISBN 9788248600350 , 1999
Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in American History Since 1945
ISBN 9780072828214 , 2003
The American Experiment, Volume 1: To 1877: A History of the United States
ISBN 9780547056470 , 2008 , Steven M. Gillon, Cathy D. Matson
A Look Backward and Forward at American Professional Women and their Families.
ISBN 9780761815822 , 2000 , Rita James Simon
Inside the Minds of Mass Murderers: Why They Kill
ISBN 9780275984755 , 2005 , Katherine M. Ramsland
The Decline of the Anglo-American Middle East, 1961-1969: A Willing Retreat
ISBN 9781845191184 , 2005 , Tore T. Petersen
Channels of Desire: Mass Images and the Shaping of American Consciousness
ISBN 9780816618903 , 1992 , Elizabeth Ewen
The Classification of Strong Verbs in Norwegian with Special Reference to the Oslo Dialect: A Study in Inflectional Morphology
ISBN 9788200127758 , 1998 , Hans-Olav Enger