Søk: 'Weberian Sociological Theory'
Games and Information: An Introduction to Game Theory
ISBN 9781405136662 , 2006 , Eric Rasmusen
Acting with technology: activity theory and interaction design
ISBN 9780262112987 , 2006 , Victor Kaptelinin, Bonnie A. Nardi
Algorithmic Information Theory: Mathematics of Digital Information Processing
ISBN 9783540332190 , 2006
Ecotourism in Scandinavia: Lessons in Theory And Practice
ISBN 9781845931346 , 2006 , Johan Hultman, Stefan Gèossling
Less is more: short fiction theory and analysis
ISBN 9788270994939 , 2008 , Hans H. Skei, Jakob Lothe, Per Winther
Study Guide for International Economics: Theory and Policy
ISBN 9780321548283 , 2008 , Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld
Theory and Methods: Critical Essays in Human Geography
ISBN 9780754627098 , 2008 , Chris Philo
Institutions of Law: An Essay in Legal Theory
ISBN 9780199535439 , 2008 , Neil MacCormick
Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms: Theory, Design and Practice
ISBN 9783540317586 , 2006
Understanding Disability: From Theory to Practice
ISBN 9780333599167 , 1996 , M. F. Oliver
Child Perspectives and Children's Perspectives in Theory and Practice, 2
ISBN 9789048133161 , 2010 , Dion Sommer, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson,m.fl.
A Theory of Security Strategy for Our Time: Defensive Realism
ISBN 9780230623132 , 2010 , Shiping Tang
Postcolonialisms: an anthology of cultural theory and criticism
ISBN 9781845203320 , 2005 , Gaurav Desai, Supriya Nair
Electromagnetic Metamaterials: Transmission Line Theory and Microwave Applications
ISBN 9780471669852 , 2005 , Tatsuo Itoh, Christophe Caloz
Principles of Robot Motion: Theory, Algorithms, and Implementation
ISBN 9780262033275 , 2005 , Seth Hutchinson, Howie M. Choset,m.fl.
Constructing a Language: A Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition
ISBN 9780674017641 , 2005 , Michael Tomasello
A Combinatorial Theory of Possibility
ISBN 9780521377805 , 1989 , Ernest Sosa, Jonathan Dancy, John Haldane,m.fl.
The Theory of Environmental Policy
ISBN 9780521311120 , 1988 , William J. Baumol, Wallace E. Oates
Anxiety and Cognition: An Unified Theory
ISBN 9780863774782 , 1997 , Michael W. Eysenck
Aesthetic theory, art and popular culture
ISBN 9788276343694 , 1999 , Jostein Gripsrud
Parallel Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
ISBN 9780195100624 , 1997 , Stavros Andrea Zenios, Yair Censor
Regional Integration: Experience, Theory and Measurement
ISBN 9780389210221 , 1999 , Ali M. El-Agraa
Regional Integration: Experience, Theory and Measurement
ISBN 9780333764602 , 1999 , A.M. El-Agraa
Elements of the Theory of Computation
ISBN 9780132624787 , 1997 , Christos H. Papadimitriou, Harry R. Lewis
Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation
ISBN 9780125531801 , 2004 , Matt Pharr, Greg Humphreys
Film sound: theory and practice
ISBN 9780231056373 , 1985 , Elisabeth Weis, John. Belton
Respect for Nature: A Theory of Environmental Ethics (25th Anniversary Edition)
ISBN 9780691150246 , 2011
The Theory of Moral Sentiments
ISBN 9780865970120 , 1984 , Adam Smith
Carl Schmitt: Politics and Theory
ISBN 9780313272097 , 1990 , Paul E. Gottfried
A Course in Microeconomic Theory
ISBN 9780745007625 , 1990 , David M. Kreps