Søk: 'American Cities and Technology: Wilderness to Wired city'
Consuming Cities: The Urban Environment in the Global Economy After Rio
ISBN 9780415187695 , 1999 , Nicholas Low, Brendan Gleeson, Ingemar Elander,m.fl.
Coal, Iron, and Oil, Or, the Practical American Miner: A Plain and Popular Work on Our Mines and Mineral Resources, and Text-Book Or Guide to Their Ec
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American Behavioral History: An Introduction
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American Photography 23: Selected Images
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Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior
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A Floating Commonwealth: Politics, Culture, and Technology on Britain's Atlantic Coast, 1860-1930
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A tale of three cities: comparative studies in working class life
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Lonely Planet Latin American Spanish Phrasebook
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American Hegemony and the Postwar Reconstruction of Science in Europe
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Introduction to Econometrics
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American Genesis: A Century of Invention and Technological Enthusiasm, 1870-1970
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Health 1; American ways
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Perspectives on American politics
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An Introduction to Population Genetics: Theory and Applications
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Callaham's Russian-English Dictionary of Science and Technology, 4th Editio
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Communication in History: Technology, Culture, Society
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Major Problems in American Foreign Relations: Documents and Essays, Concise Edition
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Entrepreneurship, cooperation and the firm: the emergence and survival of high-technology ventures in Europe
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Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms
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All American Boys
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The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger's 'Being and Time'
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The Norton Anthology of American Literature
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The Post-American World: Release 2.0
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Energy Technology Perspectives 2006: Scenarios & Strategies to 2050 : in Support of the G8 Plan of Action
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The Modern American Novel
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An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory
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Retracing The Past: Readings In The History Of The American People To 1877
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Major problems in American foreign relations: documents and essays
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Debating the Middle Ages: Television Comedy and American Culture
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Fluency with information technology: skills, concepts, & capabilities
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