Søk: 'Biopolymer Research Trends'
Interviewing As Qualitative Research: A Guide for Researchers in Education And the Social Sciences
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Studyguide for Research Methods and Statistics: A Critical Thinking Approach by Jackson, ISBN 9780534556600
ISBN 9781428859180 , 2008 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Doing Research in Cultural Studies: An Introduction to Classical and New Methodological Approaches
ISBN 9780761965053 , 2003 , Paula Saukko
A Review of Medical Research and the Office of National Statistics
ISBN 9780116213907 , 2000 , Office for National Statistics, Morris Greenberg,m.fl.
Long-term Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Into the European Energy System
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A Place in History: A Guide to Using Gis in Historical Research
ISBN 9781842170366 , 2003 , Ian N. Gregory
The Proceedings of the 25th Annual Child Language Research Forum
ISBN 9781881526315 , 1993 , Eve V. Clark
Trends in urban library management: proceedings of the Urban Library Management Institute held in October 1988 at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
ISBN 9780810822450 , 1989 , Urban Library Management Institute,m.fl.
Community-based Enthnography: Breaking Traditional Boundaries of Research, Teaching, and Learning
ISBN 9780805822915 , 1997 , Sheila Conant Baldwin, Lois McFayden Christensen,m.fl.
Online Course Pack:Psychology/MyPsychLab CourseCompass Access Card:Martin, Psychology, 3e/Introduction to Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology
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Studyguide for Advances in Psychology Research, Vol. 69 by Alexandra M. Columbus, ISBN 9781608769162: 9781608769162
ISBN 9781428849334 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, Alexander M. Columbus
Your research project: a step-by-step guide for the first-time researcher
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The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory
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Exploring Space, Exploring Earth: New Understanding of the Earth from Space Research
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Learning and Discovery for Professional Educators: Guides, Counselors, Teachers : an Interactive Experiential Approach to Practice and Research
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Patterns and Meanings: Using Corpora for English Language Research and Teaching
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Advances in Services Marketing and Management: Research and Practice : 1993
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Research Framework for Social Policy Development in the Asian Region
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The Proceedings of the 25th Annual Child Language Research Forum
ISBN 9781881526322 , 1993 , Eve V. Clark, Erin Duncan
Gender and personality: current perspectives on theory and research
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Studyguide for Research Methods and Statistics: A Critical Thinking Approach by Sherri L. Jackson, ISBN 9780495510017
ISBN 9781616987817 , 2010 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Children's Health: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References
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Black women in the field: experiences understanding ourselves and others through qualitative research
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Advances in Adult T-cell Leukemia and HTLV-1 Research
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Cretaceous Resources, Events and Rhythms: Background and Plans for Research
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Studyguide for Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology: Integrating Diversity by Donna M. Mertens, ISBN 9781412971904
ISBN 9781428841413 , 2011 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Studyguide for Essentials of Business Research Methods by Joseph F. Hair, ISBN 9780471271369: 0471271365
ISBN 9781428806047 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, Arthur H. Money,m.fl.