Søk: 'British Cultural Studies: Geography, Nationality, and Identity'
Anthropology and International Health: South Asian Case Studies
ISBN 9780792301585 , 1989 , Mark Nichter
Anthropology and International Health: South Asian Case Studies
ISBN 9780792300052 , 1989 , Mark Nichter
The Cambridge Companion to British Literature of the French Revolution in the 1790s
ISBN 9780521731621 , 2011 , Pamela Clemit
Critical Management Studies: A Reader
ISBN 9780199286072 , 2005 , Hugh Willmott, Chris Grey
The Making of the Modern Self: Identity and Culture in the Eighteenth-century England
ISBN 9780300121391 , 2007 , Dror Wahrman
The History and Sociology of Genocide: Analyses and Case Studies
ISBN 9780300044461 , 1990 , Frank Chalk, Kurt Jonassohn
A late iron age farmstead and Romano-British site at Haddon, Peterborough
ISBN 9781841713472 , 2003 , Mark Hinman, Ian Baxter
Humans in the Land: The Ethics and Aesthetics of the Cultural Landscape
ISBN 9788274773431 , 2008 , Emily Brady, Sven Arntzen
The Companion to Development Studies
ISBN 9780340760512 , 2002 , Vandana Desai, Robert B. Potter
Ancient Landscapes of British Columbia: A Photographic Journey Through the Remaining Wilderness of British Columbia
ISBN 9781551050430 , 1997 , Ian Mackenzie, Heather Doughty
Content Preparation Guidelines for the Web and Information Appliances: Cross-Cultural Comparisons
ISBN 9781420067774 , 2009 , Huafei Liao, Yinni Guo, April Savoy,m.fl.
Creating Value Through Corporate Restructuring: Case Studies in Bankruptcies, Buyouts, and Breakups
ISBN 9780470503522 , 2010 , Stuart C. Gilson, Edward I. Altman
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies
ISBN 9780072357561 , 1999 , David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky,m.fl.
Exploring China's Past: New Discoveries and Studies in Archaeology and Art
ISBN 9781872843209 , 1999 , Roderick Whitfield, Wang Tao
Beyond Hindu and Muslim: Multiple Identity in Narratives from Village India
ISBN 9780195135145 , 2000
Biometrics: identity verification in a networked world
ISBN 9780471099451 , 2002 , Samir Nanavati, Michael Thieme, Raj Nanavati
Mathematical studies: standard level : International Baccalaureate
ISBN 9781876659233 , 2005 , Vicki Strid, Patrick Tobin
Introduction to Management Science: A Modeling and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets
ISBN 9780071259279 , 2007 , Frederick S. Hillier, Mark S. Hillier
The Elgar Companion to Development Studies
ISBN 9781847206244 , 2007 , David Alexander Clark
A Teacher's Manual of Geography to Accompany Tarr and McMurry's Series of Geographies
ISBN 9781117042374 , 2009 , Charles Alexander McMurry
AS Media Studies: The Essential Introduction for AQA
ISBN 9780415448239 , 2008 , Peter Wall, Philip Rayner
Questioning EU Enlargement: Europe in Search of Identity
ISBN 9780415376570 , 2006
The Dynasty Years: Hollywood Television and Critical Media Studies
ISBN 9780415085991 , 1995 , Jostein Gripsrud
Content, Expression and Structure: Studies in Danish Functional Grammar
ISBN 9789027230324 , 1996 , Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen
Case Studies in Tourism Marketing
ISBN 9781862505025 , 2004 , Rob Harris, Leo Jago, Brian King
Brain-Wise: Studies in Neurophilosophy
ISBN 9780262532006 , 2002 , Patricia Smith Churchland
Nanoq: flat out and bluesome : a cultural life of polar bears
ISBN 9781904772392 , 2006 , Mark Wilson, Michelle Henning, Patricia Ellis,m.fl.
Political Geography of the United States
ISBN 9781572300477 , 1996 , Stanley D. Brunn, Fiona M. Davidson,m.fl.
Academic and Workplace Sexual Harassment: A Handbook of Cultural, Social Science, Management, and Legal Perspectives
ISBN 9781607520764 , 2009 , Greenwood, Patricia J. Gumport
Narrating the Organization: Dramas of Institutional Identity
ISBN 9780226132297 , 1997 , Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges