Søk: 'Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory: Text and Readings'
Interest Rate Models - Theory and Practice: With Smile, Inflation and Credit
ISBN 9783540221494 , 2005 , Damiano Brigo
A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra
ISBN 9780521516440 , 2009 , Victor Shoup
Study Guide for International Economics: Theory and Policy
ISBN 9780138019242 , 2011 , Michael Klein, Linda Goldberg, Jay Shambaugh,m.fl.
African Literature: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory
ISBN 9781405112017 , 2007
Virtuosity, Charisma and Social Order: A Comparative Sociological Study of Monasticism in Theravada Buddhism and Medieval Catholicism
ISBN 9780521021371 , 2005 , Jeffrey C. Alexander, Steven Seidman,m.fl.
Information and communication technologies in action : linking theory and narratives of practice
ISBN 9780415965460 , 2008 , Larry Davis Browning, Keri K. Stephens,m.fl.
Biological Electron Microscopy: Theory, Techniques and Troubleshooting
ISBN 9780306477492 , 2003
Communication Theory and Research: An Ejc Anthology
ISBN 9781412918329 , 2005 , Denis McQuail
WIE Personality: Theory and Research, 9th Edition
ISBN 9780471658443 , 2005 , 9. utgave , Daniel Cervone, Oliver P. John,m.fl.
Spatial Control of Vibration: Theory and Experiments
ISBN 9789812383372 , 2003 , S. O. Reza Moheimani, Andrew J. Fleming,m.fl.
Women entrepreneurs: theory, research and policy implications
ISBN 9788276346671 , 2005
Strategic Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412919005 , 2005 , John Storey, Graeme Salaman, Jon Billsberry
Advances in Evolutionary Computing: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9783540433309 , 2003
Organizational Behavior, Theory, and Design in Health Care
ISBN 9780763742850 , 2008 , Nancy A. Borkowski
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money
ISBN 9789650060251 , 2008 , John Maynard Keynes
Advanced Linear Models: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9780824791698 , 1993 , Song-gui Wang, Shein-Chung Chow, Sung-Kuei Wang
Lucas/ Luke: Del Texto Biblico a Una Aplicacion Contemporanea/ From Biblical Text to a Contemporary Life
ISBN 9780829753912 , 2011
Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice. by Robert E. Slavin
ISBN 9780132613958 , 2011
Motivation in Education: Theory, Research, and Applications: International Edition
ISBN 9780137041374 , 2009 , Dale H. Schunk, Paul R. Pintrich, Judith L. Meece
Ethical business leadership: balancing theory and practice
ISBN 9780820457109 , 2002 , Sherwin Klein
Paradigms and Sand Castles: Theory Building and Research Design in Comparative Politics
ISBN 9780472068357 , 2003 , Barbara Geddes
Critical Readings in Social Psychology
ISBN 9780335221066 , 2006 , Darren Langdridge, Stephanie Taylor
Critical Readings in Social Psychology
ISBN 9780335221042 , 2006 , Darren Langdridge, Stephanie Taylor
Daily Readings with George MacLeod
ISBN 9781901557558 , 2004 , Ron Ferguson
Minimalist Syntax: The Essential Readings
ISBN 9780631233039 , 2006 , Howard Lasnik, Željko Boškovi?
Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture
ISBN 9780803981874 , 1992
Gender, Doctrine & God: The Shakers and Contemporary Theology
ISBN 9780687140411 , 1991 , Linda A. Mercadante
Exploring Disability: A Sociological Introduction
ISBN 9780745614786 , 1999 , Tom Shakespeare, Colin Barnes, Geof Mercer
A Contemporary Introduction To Sociology: Culture and Society in Transition
ISBN 9781594512704 , 2008 , Jeffrey C. Alexander, Kenneth W. Thompson
The foundations of Chinese medicine: a comprehensive text for acupuncturists and herbalists
ISBN 9780443074899 , 2005 , Giovanni Maciocia