Søk: 'Comparative method:moving beyond qualitative & quantitative strategies'
Along the Banks of Mokeler Creek...and Beyond: The Poems of an Outdoorsman
ISBN 9781615460175 , 2009
Esol Strategies for Teaching Content: Facilitating Instruction for English Language Learners
ISBN 9780130908452 , 2000 , Jodi Reiss
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies
The Foundations of Living Faiths: An Introduction to Comparative Religion
ISBN 9788120811478 , 1994 , Haridas Bhattacharyya
Writers at Work: Strategies for Communicating in Business & Professional Settings
ISBN 9780155000070 , 1994 , John M. Ackerman, Linda Flower, PhD
Beyond Chinatown: The Metropolitan Water District, Growth, And the Environment in Southern California
ISBN 9780804751407 , 2006
Beyond Chinatown: the Metropolitan Water District, growth, and the environment in southern California
ISBN 9780804751391 , 2006
A Comparative A-Level British and American Government and Politics Revision Guide
ISBN 9781860837173 , 2005 , Russell Tillson
A Comparative Sociology of World Religions: Virtuosi, Priests, and Popular Religion
ISBN 9780814798041 , 2001 , Stephen Sharot
Comparative Studies in History of Religions: Their Aim, Scope, and Validity
ISBN 9788772895338 , 1999 , Erik Reenberg Sand, Jørgen Podemann Sørensen
Beyond budgeting: how managers can break free from the annual performance trap
ISBN 9781578518661 , 2003 , Jeremy. Hope, Robin C. Fraser
High Powered CVs: Powerful Application Strategies to Get You That Senior Level Job
ISBN 9781857039962 , 2004 , Rachel Bishop-Firth
A tale of three cities: comparative studies in working class life
ISBN 9780333713839 , 1998 , John Lynch, Jo Campling
Case Analyses for Abnormal Psychology: Learning to Look Beyond the Symtoms
ISBN 9780863775840 , 2000 , Randall E. Osborne, Joan Lafuze, David Perkins
Interviewing As Qualitative Research: A Guide for Researchers in Education And the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780807746660 , 2006 , Irving Seidman
Conceptualizing, Describing and Contrasting School Cultures: A Comparative Case Study of School Improvement Processes
ISBN 9783639177831 , 2010 , LaTefy Schoen
Beyond Survival to Power for School Library Media Professionals
ISBN 9780208020314 , 1985
Divisions of Welfare: A Critical Introduction to Comparative Social Policy
ISBN 9780803984417 , 1992 , Norman Ginsburg
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies
ISBN 9780072357561 , 1999 , David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky,m.fl.
Beyond the Rural-urban Divide: Cross-continental Perspectives on the Differentiated Countryside and Its Regulation
ISBN 9781848551381 , 2009
Consumer Decision Behavior in Online Shopping Environments: Influence of Individual Differences on Choice Strategies
ISBN 9783639008760 , 2009 , Pei-Fen Li
Appraising research in second language learning: a practical approach to critical analysis of quantitative research
ISBN 9789027216960 , 2002 , Graeme Keith Porte
Beyond Faith: Exploring Judaism and Comparing it to Other Religions, Philosophies, and Disciplines
ISBN 9781436356800 , 2008
Beyond Blame: A New Way of Resolving Conflicts in Relationships
ISBN 9780787902490 , 1996
Hedge Funds in a Traditional Portfolio: A Quantitative Case Study Made on the Swedish Hedge Fund Market
ISBN 9783843355094 , 2010 , Daniel Sundqvist
A Comparative Study of Social and Religious Movements in Norway, 1780S-1905
ISBN 9780773471955 , 2002 , Inger Furseth
A Comparative study of parallel programming languages: the Salishan problems
ISBN 9780444881359 , 1992 , John T. Feo
Market Risk Analysis: Quantitative Methods in Finace, Practical Finincial Econometrics, Pricing, Hedging and Trading Financial Instruments, Value-at-Risk Models
ISBN 9780470997994 , 2009 , Carol Alexander
Banking Sector Liberalization in India: Evaluation of Reforms and Comparative Perspectives on China
ISBN 9783790819816 , 2007 , Christian Roland
Black women in the field: experiences understanding ourselves and others through qualitative research
ISBN 9781572734838 , 2002