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How to Read a Modern Painting: Understanding and Enjoying the Modern Masters
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American Exceptionalism in the Age of Globalization: The Specter of Vietnam
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Constitutionalizing Economic Globalization: Investment Rules and Democracy's Promise
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The power of faiths in global politics
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Modern Iran Since 1921: The Pahlavis and After
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Global Culture: Media, Arts, Policy, and Globalization
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Governing Globalization: Power, Authority and Global Governance
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Partisan Politics in the Global Economy
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Books and Readers in Early Modern England: Material Studies
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The World Is Flat: The Globalized World in the Twenty-First Century
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Alternatives to Economic Globalization: A Better World is Possible
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The Norwegian Domination and the Norse World: C.1100 - C.1400
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Around the World in 80 Days
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Euroscepticism in British Politics: Opposition to Europe in the Conservative and Labour Parties Since 1945
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Biopolymer science: food and non food applications : Montpellier (France), September 28-30, 1998
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After the USSR: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Politics in the Commonwealth of Independent States
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Sears and Zemansky's University Physics: With Modern Physics
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