Søk: 'Foundations of Analysis'
Causal Analysis in Population Studies: Concepts, Methods, Applications
ISBN 9781402099663 , 2009 , Henriette Engelhardt, Hans-Peter Kohler,m.fl.
Spatial Data Analysis: An Introduction for GIS users
ISBN 9780199554324 , 2009 , Christopher D. Lloyd
Public policy: an introduction to the theory and practice of policy analysis
ISBN 9781852785543 , 1995 , D.W. Parsons
Politics in Time: History, Institutions, and Social Analysis
ISBN 9780691117157 , 2004 , Paul Pierson
Image processing, analysis, and machine vision
ISBN 9780534953935 , 1998 , Milan Sonka, Roger Boyle, Václav Hlavác?
Framework for the Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Data on the Ageing of People with Disabilities
ISBN 9789287133274 , 1997 , Council of Europe, D. Lindsay McLellan
Security: A New Framework for Analysis
ISBN 9781555877842 , 1997 , Barry Buzan, Ole Waever, Jaap de Wilde
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++
ISBN 9780321397331 , 2005 , Mark Allen Weiss
Production and Operations Analysis: With Student CD
ISBN 9780071181273 , 2001 , Steven Nahmias
Instructor's manual for Numerical analysis, 8th ed
ISBN 9780534392017 , 2005 , 8. utgave , Richard L. Burden, J. Douglas Faires
Studyguide for Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology by Davis, John C., ISBN 9780471172758
ISBN 9780471172758 , 2014 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Cultural economy: cultural analysis and commercial life
ISBN 9780761959922 , 2002 , Paul Du Gay, Michael Pryke
Cultural Economy: Cultural Analysis and Commercial Life
ISBN 9780761959939 , 2002 , Paul Du Gay, Michael Pryke
CMOS digital integrated circuits: analysis and design
ISBN 9780072460537 , 2002
Pinch Analysis And Process Integration: A User Guide on Process Integration for the Efficient Use of Energy
ISBN 9780750682602 , 2006 , Ian C. Kemp
An Introduction To Discourse Analysis: Theory And Method
ISBN 9780415328616 , 2005 , James Paul Gee
Advances in analysis of structural masonry: proceedings of a session at Structures Congress '86
ISBN 9780872625532 , 1986 , Subhash Anand
The Rise to power of the Chinese Communist Party: documents and analysis
ISBN 9781563241543 , 1995 , Tony Saich, Benjamin Yang
The Rise to Power of the Chinese Communist Party: Documents and Analysis
ISBN 9781563241550 , 1995 , Tony Saich, Benjamin Yang
Norway, a consistent polar nation?: analysis of an image seen through the history of the Norwegian Polar Institute
ISBN 9788230000267 , 2003 , Susan Barr
A Laboratory Guide to Glycoconjugate Analysis
ISBN 9783764352103 , 1997 , Peter Jackson, John Gallagher
Studyguide for Resonant Interface: Hci Foundations for Interaction Design by Steven Heim, ISBN 9780321375964
ISBN 9781428853515 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Advanced genetic analysis: genes, genomes, and networks in eukaryotes
ISBN 9780199219827 , 2009 , Philip Meneely
Introduction to Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology
ISBN 9780131982031 , 2009 , Darren Langdridge, Gareth Hagger-Johnson
Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Concepts, Techniques, Applications with Cases Set
ISBN 9780470257661 , 2011 , Robert M. Grant
Capital Budgeting Valuation: Financial Analysis for Today's Investment Projects
ISBN 9780470569504 , 2011 , Philip English, H. Kent Baker
Infectious Diseases: Emergence and Re-emergence : a Geographical Analysis
ISBN 9780199244737 , 2009 , Peter Haggett, A.D. Cliff, M.R. Smallman-Raynor,m.fl.
Discontinuous Control Systems: Frequency-Domain Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780817647520 , 2008 , Igor Boiko
Education, Equality and Social Cohesion: A Comparative Analysis
ISBN 9780230223639 , 2008 , Andy Green, Jan Germen Janmaat, John Preston
Less is more: short fiction theory and analysis
ISBN 9788270994939 , 2008 , Hans H. Skei, Jakob Lothe, Per Winther