Søk: 'Gray Cavalier: The Life And Wars Of General W.h.f. "Rooney" Lee'
Life-span Development
ISBN 9780071121545 , 2001 , John W. Santrock
The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology
ISBN 9780262517607 , 2012 , Trevor Pinch, Wiebe E. Bijker, Thomas P. Hughes,m.fl.
Democracy and the Limits of Self-Government
ISBN 9780521140119 , 2010 , Adam Przeworski
A Manual of Auscultation and Percussion: Embracing the Physical Diagnosis of Diseases of the Lungs and Heart, and of Thoracic Aneurism
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Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, University Edition
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Mad as Hell: The Making of Network and the Fateful Vision of the Angriest Man in Movies
ISBN 9780805095692 , 2014 , Dave Itzkoff
Out of the Corner of My Eye: Living With Vision Loss in Later Life
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The Biology of Lakes and Ponds
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The rise and fall of communism
ISBN 9780061138799 , 2009 , Archie Brown
Principles of Anatomy and Physiology: Maintenance and continuity of the human body
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Of the Social Contract and Other Political Writings
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Origins and Evolution of the European Union
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Inorganic & Physical Chemistry (I): General Concepts: A2 Chemistry
ISBN 9780340974674 , 2009 , Mark Wardrop
Aulton's Pharmaceutics: The Design And Manufacture of Medicines
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The Physics and Chemistry of Nanosolids
ISBN 9780470067406 , 2008 , Frank J. Owens, Charles P. Poole, Jr.
Scatology & the Gate of Life: The Role of the Large Intestine in Immunity, an Integrated Chinese-Western Approach
ISBN 9780936185200 , 1990 , Bob Flaws
A Closer Look Into the Life and Famous Works of Erich Von Stroheim Including Analyses of His Notable Films as an Actor and Director Such as the Devil's Pass Key, Foolish Wives, Greed, and More
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Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior
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The Concepts and Theories of Modern Democracy
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Human Development: A Life-span View
ISBN 9780495600770 , 2010 , John C. Cavanaugh, Robert V. Kail
Measuring health: a review of quality of life measurement scales
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Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life, and Beyond: From Production to Produsage
ISBN 9780820488660 , 2008
I don't know how she does it: the life of Kate Reddy, working mother
ISBN 9781400034147 , 2004 , Allison Pearson
A Street Cat Named Bob: And How He Saved My Life
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The Architecture of Reason : The Structure and Substance of Rationality: The Structure and Substance of Rationality
ISBN 9780198032359 , 2001 , m.fl.
A Manual for the Primary Animal Health Care Worker: Working Guide, Guidelines for Training, Guidelines for Adaption
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The Presidency and the Challenge of Democracy
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WIE Biogeography: Introduction to Space, Time and Life
ISBN 9780471452607 , 2003 , Glen Michael MacDonald
Claiming Power Over Life: Religion and Biotechnology Policy
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Good and Useful Life: Constructive Prison Regimes
ISBN 9780946209309 , 1995 , Nick Flynn