Søk: 'Niklas Luhmann : introduktion til teorien om social systemer'
Religion, the social context
ISBN 9780534072421 , 1986 , Meredith B. McGuire
PÃ¥virkning og kontroll: om hvordan vi former hverandre
ISBN 9788245000955 , 2005 , Inge Bø
International Labour Mobility in Social Work
ISBN 9781861780744 , 2006 , Karen Lyons, Brian Littlechild, Lynne Berry,m.fl.
Methods Of Research In Social Psychology
ISBN 9781428802131 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Social Work: Critical Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780761972518 , 2002 , Jan Fook
Social and Personal Identity: Understanding Yourself
ISBN 9780761944898 , 2004 , Derek Layder
Defining 'Quality' in Social Policy Research
ISBN 9780907274506 , 2006 , Alan Bryman, S. Becker, Joe Sempik
Ageing Well: Nutrition, Health, And Social Interventions
ISBN 9780849374746 , 2007 , Alan D. Dangour, Astrid E. Fletcher,m.fl.
Communication And Social Cognition: Theories And Methods
ISBN 9780805853551 , 2007
Grunnloven vår: 1814 til 2012
ISBN 9788215009636 , 2012 , Mads Andenæs
Snarveien til MySQL og Dreamweaver CS6
ISBN 9788205430662 , 2012 , Tom Heine Nätt
Nøklene til Egypt: kappløpet om å løse hieroglyfenes gåte
ISBN 9788202191528 , 2001 , Roy Adkins, Lesley Adkins
"Orda er nøkkelen til sinn og kjensler" : om litteraturens rolle i dannelsesprosessen
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The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success
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PÃ¥ innsiden : historien om mitt politiliv : dokumentar
ISBN 9788248913283 , 2015 , Thomas Winje Øijord, Eirik Jensen
Handbook of Affect and Social Cognition
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Fra passivhus til plusshus: tverrfaglig planlegging av energieffektive boliger
ISBN 9788245013733 , 2013 , Steinar Anda, Anne Sofie H. Bjelland
Hjelper til moderne makroøkonomi
ISBN 9788205302808 , 2005 , Erling Steigum, Robert G. Hansen
Social and Cultural Dynamics
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Citizenship and Social Class
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Studyguide for Social Psychology by Kassin, Saul, ISBN 9780495812401
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Ground Rules For Social Research: Guidelines for Good Practice
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Practice Research in Nordic Social Work: Knowledge Production in Transition
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Ways of Knowing: Competing Methodologies in Social and Political Research
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Språk og dysleksi: gjennom teori til praksis
ISBN 9788245004724 , 2010 , Turid Helland
Gaven til bestefar
ISBN 9788281121270 , 2008 , Rolf Østrem
Veien til toppidrett
ISBN 9788205382213 , 2008 , Åke Fiskerstrand, Erling Rimeslåtten
Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780521016452 , 2003 , Dietrich Rueschemeyer, James Mahoney
Viljen til viden
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Barn som samfunnsborgere: til barnets beste?
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