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Hva er geografi
ISBN 9788215010885 , 2007 , Arild Holt-Jensen
General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts
ISBN 9780071102261 , 2008 , Raymond Chang
Electric Circuits: International Edition
ISBN 9780135031650 , 2008 , James William Nilsson, Susan A. Riedel
Mechanics of Materials SI
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Menneskevidenskaberne 2: humanistiske forskningstraditioner
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Omstridd natur : trender och utmaningar i nordisk naturforvaltning
ISBN 9789189140608 , 2008
Where Humans and Spirits Meet: The Politics of Rituals and Identified Spirits in Zanzibar
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Fortida er ikke hva den en gang var: en innføring i historiefaget
ISBN 9788200129240 , 1999 , Knut Kjeldstadli
Physiological Aspects of Sport Training and Performance-2nd Edition
ISBN 9781450442244 , 2014 , Jay R. Hoffman
Fysikk forkurs: for ingeniørhøgskole og maritim høgskole
ISBN 9788205342453 , 2005 , David Keeping, Viggo Storelvmo, Edel Storelvmo
Biotechnology: Academic Cell Update
ISBN 9780123850638 , 2011 , David P. Clark, Nanette J. Pazdernik
Information Systems
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Sannsynlighetsregning og statistisk metodelære
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Scale Construction and Psychometrics for Social and Personality Psychology
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Nations and Nationalism Since 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality
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Discovering Biological Psychology
ISBN 9780547177793 , 2009 , Laura A Freberg
Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application
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Making Sense of Everyday Life
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Tenke- og arbeidsmåter i medisinen: en innføring i den medisinske logikk
ISBN 9788205372153 , 2007 , Arild Bjørndal
Mediegrafi: en metode for å forske på og å undervise i globalisering
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Introduction to Documentary
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Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Psychology. Dennis Howitt
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Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation: An Introduction to Theory and History
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Nineteenth Century European Art
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ISBN 9780495382737 , 2008 , James Stewart
Den nye bygda
ISBN 9788251922807 , 2008 , Marit S. Haugen, Reidar Almås, Johan Fredrik Rye,m.fl.
Kalkulus: studiebok
ISBN 9788215009759 , 2006 , Arne Hole, Knut Vedeld
Essential Cell Biology [With W/CDROM]
ISBN 9780815334811 , 2004 , Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Karen Hopkin,m.fl.
Fra menneskekryp til gående barn: observasjon og forståelse av barns bevegelsesutvikling fra 0-15 måneder
ISBN 9788200429678 , 2009 , Eva Elisabeth Schjetlein, Hanne Mossige
Biotechnology for Beginners
ISBN 9780123735812 , 2007 , Reinhard Renneberg, Arnold L. Demain