Søk: 'Asian English Writers of Chinese Origin: Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong'
Grammar for English Language Teachers
ISBN 9780521477970 , 2000 , Martin Parrott
English As a Legal Language
ISBN 9789041196804 , 1998 , Christine Rossini
Market leader. Intermediate business English
ISBN 9780582328402 , 2000 , David Cotton
East Asia in transition: toward a new regional order
ISBN 9781563245602 , 1995 , Institute of Southeast Asian Studies,m.fl.
East Asia in Transition: Toward a New Regional Order
ISBN 9781563245619 , 1995 , Institute of Southeast Asian Studies,m.fl.
AQA GCSE English Literature: Exploring Modern Texts
ISBN 9781444108828 , 2010 , Martin Walker
Modern English: Its Growth and Present Use
ISBN 9780559387401 , 2008 , George Philip Krapp
English-Only Europe?: Challenging Language Policy
ISBN 9780415288064 , 2003 , Robert Phillipson
Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
ISBN 9780007157990 , 2003 , John Sinclair
The Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary
ISBN 9780198643395 , 1997 , Ronald Stuart McGregor
The English Language: A Text-based Resource Book : from Increased ...
ISBN 9788276346817 , 2005 , Per Lysvåg
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. Resource Book: Teacher's Resource Book
ISBN 9780194316996 , 2005 , Albert Sydney Hornby
Russian-English dictionary of contemporary slang: a guide to the living language of today
ISBN 9781900405034 , 1997 , Valery Nikolski, UFO, James Davie
The Concise Oxford English-Arabic Dictionary of Current Usage
ISBN 9780198643210 , 1983 , N.S. Doniach, S. Khulusi, N. Shamaa, W. K. Davin
English Literature Teacher Guide: Exploring the AQA Anthology
ISBN 9780007342150 , 2010 , Sarah Darragh, Phil Darragh, Mary Green,m.fl.
Business English and communication
ISBN 9780070614321 , 1988 , Marie M. Stewart, Lyn Clark, Kenneth Zimmer,m.fl.
Useful English for all occasions
ISBN 9788250820128 , 1999 , Joyce Patricia Salterød
Course In English Intonation : Tapes
ISBN 9788200127192 , 1997 , Barbara Bird
Words, meaning and vocabulary: an introduction to modern English lexicology
ISBN 9780826490186 , 2007 , Howard Jackson, Etienne Zé Amvela
The Norton Anthology of English Literature 7e V 1 +Media Companion CD
ISBN 9780393151107 , 2000 , 7. utgave , M. H. Abrams
An English-Spoken Khmer Dictionary
ISBN 9780710305145 , 1996 , Allen P.K. Keesee
Engelsk for begynnere: English is fun
ISBN 9788251621854 , 2005
Kong Leopolds arv: en beretning om grådighet, forferdelser og heroisme i det koloniale Afrika
ISBN 9788253023991 , 2002 , Adam Hochschild
A Common Thread: Labor, Politics, And Capital Mobility in the Textile Industry
ISBN 9780820326283 , 2006 , Beth Anne English
Helping Ourselves: A Guide to Traditional Chinese Food Energetics
ISBN 9780952464006 , 1994 , Daverick Leggett, Katherine Trenshaw
Relevant Linguistics: An Introduction to the Structure and Use of English for Teachers
ISBN 9781575862187 , 2004 , Paul W. Justice
An A-Z of ELT: A Dictionary of Terms and Concepts Used in English Language Teaching
ISBN 9781405070638 , 2006
Teaching Unplugged: Dogme in English Language Teaching
ISBN 9781905085194 , 2009 , Luke Meddings
A Comprehensive English-Hindi Dictionary: Supplementary Volume
ISBN 9788177420869 , 2009 , Raghu Vira
English for Business Studies Student's Book: A Course for Business Studies and Economics Students
ISBN 9780521743419 , 2010 , Ian Mackenzie