Søk: 'Cinema Wars: Hollywood Film and Politics in the Bush-Cheney Era'
Revisioning history: film and the construction of a new past
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The Executive Branch Of State Government: People, Process, And Politics
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The International Politics of the Middle East
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Abraham's Divided Children: Galatians and the Politics of Faith
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Drawn to Sound: Animation Film Music and Sonicity
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The Making of Citizens: Young People, News, and Politics
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The Making of Citizens: Young People, News, and Politics
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Film art: an introduction
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Cinematic projections: the analytical psychology of C.G. Jung and film theory
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The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics
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The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics
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Studyguide for Politics and Culture in the Developing World by Richard J. Payne, ISBN 9780205550579: 9780205550579
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Critical Security Studies and World Politics
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Contemporary British Politics and Government
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Politics UK
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The use of force: military power and international politics
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