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Research on Mother Tongue Education in a Comparative International Perspective: Theoretical and Methodological Issues
ISBN 9789042022782 , 2007 , Sigmund Ongstad, Wolfgang Herrlitz,m.fl.
Studyguide for Issues and Methods in Comparative Politics by Todd Landman, ISBN 9780415412377: 9780415412377 0415412374
ISBN 9781616541392 , 2011 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Broadband optical access networks and fiber-to-the-home: systems technologies and deployment strategies
ISBN 9780470094785 , 2006 , Chinlon Lin
Munch Becoming "Munch": Artistic Strategies, 1880-1892 : Munch Museet, 10 October 2008-11January 2009
ISBN 9788290128611 , 2008 , Edvard Munch, Karen Lerheim, Inger Eri,m.fl.
An Introduction to the Law of International Criminal Tribunals: A Comparative Study
ISBN 9781571053107 , 2003 , Geert-Jan A. Knoops
Social Stratification and Inequality: Class Conflict in Historical, Comparative, and Global Perspective
ISBN 9780072487701 , 2003 , Harold R. Kerbo
Beyond Hindu and Muslim: Multiple Identity in Narratives from Village India
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Beyond Vegas: 25 Exotic Wedding and Elopement Destinations Around the World
ISBN 9780809228836 , 2000 , Sam Silverstein
Scandinavian design beyond the myth: fifty years of design from the Nordic countries
ISBN 9789185213306 , 2007 , Widar Halén, Gabor Palotai Design,m.fl.
The Artistic Brain Beyond the Eye: Art and Communication Through the Visual Brain
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A Quantitative Aeromicrobial Analysis of On-Campus Housing and Comparison of Microorganisms Found in Old and New Dormitories.
ISBN 9781243392244 , 2011 , Kevin Michael Bessey
Process Analytical Technology: Spectroscopic Tools and Implementation Strategies for the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries
ISBN 9781405121033 , 2005 , Katherine A. Bakeev
Accountability for Human Rights Atrocities in International Law: Beyond the Nuremberg Legacy
ISBN 9780199248339 , 2001 , Jason S. Abrams, Steven Richard Ratner
Accountability for Human Rights Atrocities in International Law: Beyond the Nuremberg Legacy
ISBN 9780198298717 , 2001 , Jason S. Abrams, Steven Richard Ratner
Management Science: An Introduction to Modern Quantitative Analysis and Decision Making
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Building the High-Trust Organization: Strategies for Supporting Five Key Dimensions of Trust [With CDROM]
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Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping--Updated and Revised for the Internet, the Global Consumer, and Beyond
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The Ten Faces of Innovation: IDEO's Strategies for Beating the Devil's Advocate & Driving Creativity Throughout Your Organization
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ISBN 9781564145079 , 2001 , George Columbo, George W. Colombo
Beyond Confrontation: Learning Conflict Resolution in the Post-Cold War Era
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Break Down Your Money: How to Get Beyond the Noise to Profit in the Markets
ISBN 9780470379455 , 2008 , Tracy Byrnes, Liz Claman
Social stratification and inequality: class conflict in historical, comparative, and global perspective
ISBN 9780072316049 , 1999 , Harold R. Kerbo
Case study & computing: advanced qualitative methods in the study of human behavior
ISBN 9781567501322 , 1996 , Kathleen M. Carley, R.W. Lawler
Beyond the Trauma Vortex: The Media's Role in Healing Fear, Terror, and Violence
ISBN 9781556434464 , 2003
Breakthrough Management for Not-For-Profit Organizations: Beyond Survival in the 21st Century
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Cross-Cultural Consumer Behaviour of Apparels: A Qualitative Study of Apparel Consumer Behaviour of Bangladesh & UK
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Black Women in the Field: Experiences Understanding Ourselves and Others Through Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781572734845 , 2002
Third sex, third gender: beyond sexual dimorphism in culture and history
ISBN 9780942299823 , 1996 , Gilbert H. Herdt
The Busy People Bible Study Plan: Strategies for Personal Time with God Amidst Life's Hectic Pace
ISBN 9781603520676 , 2009 , Bertram L. Melbourne
All Our Kin: Strategies for Survival in a Black Community
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