Søk: 'Development'
Contracting Out Government Services: Best Practice Guidelines and Case Studies
ISBN 9789264156890 , 1998 , m.fl.
Africans in Colonial Louisiana: The Development of Afro-Creole Culture in the Eighteenth Century
ISBN 9780807116869 , 1992 , Gwendolyn Midlo Hall
Conversion in the Pacific: Eastern Polynesian Latter-day Saints' conversion accounts and their development of a LDS identity
ISBN 9788276341843 , 2003 , Mette Ramstad
Starting Our Careers: A Collection of Essays and Advice on Professional Development from the Young Mathematicians' Network
ISBN 9780821815434 , 1999 , Curtis D. Bennett, Annalisa Crannell
Learning by Playing. Game-based Education System Design and Development: 4th International Conference on E-learning, Edutainment 2009, Banff, Canada, August 9-11, 2009, Proceedings
ISBN 9783642033636 , 2009 , Michitaka Hirose, Maiga Chang, Rita Kuo,m.fl.
Protecting Youth at Work: Health, Safety, and Development of Working Children and Adolescents in the United States
ISBN 9780309064132 , 1998 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
A Development of the Principles and Plans on Which to Establish Self-Supporting Home Colonies: As a Most Secure and Profitable Investment for Capital,
ISBN 9781141490561 , 2010 , Robert Owen
European Constitutional History: Or, the Origin and Development of the Governments of Modern Europe, from the Fall of the Western Roman Empire to The
ISBN 9781143029882 , 2010 , Nelson Case
Education for Development: A Teacher's Resource for Global Learning: A Teacher's Resource for Global Learning
ISBN 9780435088545 , 1995 , Susan Fountain
Pedagogies of Religious Education: Case Studies in the Research and Development of Good Pedagogic Practice in Re
ISBN 9780855976217 , 2000
Atlas of Laos: The Spatial Structures of the Economic and Social Development of the Lao People's Democratic Republic
ISBN 9788787062879 , 2000 , Bountavy Sisouphanthong, Christian Taillard
Our Commom Future
ISBN 9780192820808 , 1987 , World Commission on Environment and Development
Application of Social Cost Benefit Analysis in Pakistan
ISBN 9780119063592 , 1980 , m.fl.
Cores from the northwest European hydrocarbon province: an illustration of geological applications from exploration to development
ISBN 9781862390027 , 1997 , Geological Society of London, C. D. Oakman,m.fl.
Adobe AIR for JavaScript Developers Pocket Guide
ISBN 9780596518370 , 2008 , Mike Chambers, Adobe Development Team,m.fl.
Gas and Oil Engines, and Gas-Producers: A Treatise on the Modern Development of the Internal Combustion Motor and Efficient Methods of Fuel Economy An
ISBN 9781143493065 , 2010 , Lionel Simeon Marks,m.fl.
Business Information Systems: Technology, Development and Management for the E-Business with Business Information Systems Generic Occ Pin Card
ISBN 9780582820289 , 2003 , 2. utgave , Dave Chaffey, Simon Hickie, Paul Bocij,m.fl.
Balancing Organisational and Personal Development Needs: Performance Management and Career Profiling for Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors
ISBN 9781856421003 , 1999 , Sue Lillyman, Carol Ward
Adding Value to Cereals, Roots and Tubers: Developments and Opportunities in Small-Scale Enterprise Development in Africa
ISBN 9789290812029 , 1999 , Domien Bruinsma
Democratization, Improved Governance and the Creation of Conducive Environment for Small and Medium Scale Enterprise Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: the Case of Eritrea
ISBN 9783832284541 , 2009 , Isaac Hailemariam Desta
A History of the Brethren Movement: Its Origins, Its Worldwide Development and Its Significance for the Present Day
ISBN 9781573831833 , 2001 , F. Roy Coad, F. F Bruce
The Christian Tradition ? A History of the Development of Doctrine V 3 (Cloth)
ISBN 9780226653747 , 1978 , Jaroslav Pelikan
An ethnography of four non-governmental development organizations: Oxfam America, Grassroots International, ACCION International, and Cultural Survical, Inc
ISBN 9780773483613 , 1998 , Diana Joyce Fox
African higher education policy: a survey of sub-Saharan Africa : education and sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa
ISBN 9781573092937 , 1998 , Jerry Komia Domatob
Attaining the millennium development goals in India: reducing infant mortality, child malnutrition, gender disparities and hunger-poverty and increasing school enrolment and completion
ISBN 9780195675160 , 2005 , World Bank, Anil B. Deolalikar
Development Opportunities for Small and Medium Scale Accelerator Driven Neutron Sources, Report of a Technical Meeting Held in Vienna, 18-21 May 2004
ISBN 9789201017055 , 2005 , International Atomic Energy Agency
Crises in the History of the Papacy: A Study of Twenty Famous Popes Whose Careers and Whose Influence Were Important in the Development of the Church
ISBN 9781142134617 , 2010 , Joseph McCabe
Politics and development in the Caribbean Basin: Central America and the Caribbean in the New World Order
ISBN 9780253209542 , 1995 , Jean Grugel
DAC Guidelines and Reference Series Natural Resources and Pro-Poor Growth The Economics and Politics: The Economics and Politics
ISBN 9789264041820 , 2009 , m.fl.
The Indispensable Harp: Historical Development, Modern Roles, Configurations, and Performance Practices in Ecuador and Latin America
ISBN 9780873384391 , 1992 , John Mendell Schechter