Søk: 'Financial Management in Health Services'
Food Policy: Integrating Health, Environment and Society
ISBN 9780198567882 , 2009 , Tim Lang, Martin Caraher
Leashing the Dogs of War: Conflict Management in a Divided World
ISBN 9781929223978 , 2006 , Fen Osler Hampson, Chester A Crocker
Public Administration: Understanding Management, Politics, and Law in the Public Sector
ISBN 9780073403892 , 2008 , David H. Rosenbloom, Robert S. Kravchuk,m.fl.
A Recipe for Safety: Occupational Health and Safety in Food and Drink Manufacture
ISBN 9780717661152 , 2005 , Health and Safety Executive
Operasjonsanalyse: management science : kort og godt
ISBN 9788215012698 , 2009 , Morten Helbæk
Advancing Public Management: New Developments in Theory, Methods, and Practice
ISBN 9780878408597 , 2001 , Jeffrey L. Brudney, Laurence J. O'Toole,m.fl.
Stress and Health: Biological and Psychological Interactions
ISBN 9781412904780 , 2004 , William R. Lovallo
Integrated Food Safety and Veterinary Public Health
ISBN 9780851999081 , 2006 , S. Buncic
Introducing human resource management
ISBN 9780273712008 , 2008 , Margaret Foot, Caroline Hook
Port Management and Operations
ISBN 9781843117506 , 2008 , P. Alderton
Understanding Cross-Cultural Management
ISBN 9780273703365 , 2008 , Marie-Joelle Browaeys, Roger Price
Financial Analysis and Modeling Using Excel and VBA [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780470275603 , 2009 , Chandan Sengupta
Excellence in warehouse management: how to minimise costs and maximise value
ISBN 9780470015315 , 2005 , Stuart Emmett
Financial reporting and statement analysis: a strategic perspective
ISBN 9780324186383 , 2003 , Clyde P. Stickney, James M. Wahlen, Paul R. Brown
Basic Financial Skills for the Public Sector
ISBN 9781899448098 , 2000 , Jennifer Bean, Lascelles Hussey
Performance of Financial Institutions: Efficiency, Innovation, Regulation
ISBN 9780521771542 , 2000 , Stavros A. Zenios, Patrick T. Harker
Culture, Health and Illness 4ed
ISBN 9780750647861 , 2000 , 4. utgave , Cecil Helman
International Public Health: Diseases, Programs, Systems and Policies
ISBN 9780763729677 , 2006 , Anne Mills, Michael H. Merson, Robert E. Black
Advances in Production Management Systems: International IFIP TC 5, WG 5.7 Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS 2007), September 17-19, Linkoping, Sweden
ISBN 9780387741567 , 2007 , Jan Olhager, Fredrik Persson
Stranger in My Own Body: Atypical Gender Identity Development and Mental Health
ISBN 9781855751835 , 1998 , Di Ceglie Domenico Freedman D, David Freedman
Reclaiming the Environmental Debate: The Politics of Health in a Toxic Culture
ISBN 9780262082846 , 2000 , Richard Hofrichter
Human Resource Management
ISBN 9780470804032 , 2005 , Dr. Raymond J. Stone
Hotel Operations Management
ISBN 9780131711495 , 2005 , Jack D. Ninemeier, David K. Hayes
Management Information Systems
ISBN 9780071116299 , 2005 , James A. O'Brien
Human Resource Management
ISBN 9780071116282 , 2005 , Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Noe
Project Management: The managerial process
ISBN 9780071289290 , 2010 , Clifford F. Gray, Erik W. Larson
Strategic Management Communication for Leaders
ISBN 9780538451345 , 2010
Operations Management: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780077133016 , 2011 , William J. Stevenson
International Marketing and Export Management
ISBN 9780273743880 , 2011 , Gerald S. Albaum, Edwin Duerr
Balancing Organisational and Personal Development Needs: Performance Management and Career Profiling for Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors
ISBN 9781856421003 , 1999 , Sue Lillyman, Carol Ward