Søk: 'Guidelines for Extrasensory Perception Research'
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Fysikk for fagskolen
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Sound images of the ocean in research and monitoring
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Sound Images of the Ocean: In Research and Monitoring
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Research project preparation within education and special needs education: introduction to Theory of Science
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Quantitative Analysis for Management, Global Edition
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Strategic Planning for Public Relations
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Ansvarlig og lønnsom: strategier for ansvarlige forretningsmodeller
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Java for dummies
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Biobased Industrial Products: Research and Commercialization Priorities
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InterViews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing
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International Development Studies: Theories and Methods in Research and Practice
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Music Therapy Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives
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Artificial Sight: Basic Research, Biomedical Engineering, and Clinical Advances
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An Introduction to Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology
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