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Advances in Statistical Signal Processing Vol. 2: Signal Detection
ISBN 9780892329076 , 1993 , H. Vincent Poor, John B. Thomas
Analysis of Financial Time Series
ISBN 9780471690740 , 2005 , Ruey S. Tsay
Analysis of Financial Time Series
ISBN 9780471746195 , 2005 , Ruey S. Tsay
Digital Video Analysis of Performance
ISBN 9781904728054 , 2005
Digital Video Analysis of Performance
ISBN 9781904728030 , 2005
Digital Video Analysis of Performance
ISBN 9781904728023 , 2005
A Course in Real Analysis
ISBN 9780127428307 , 1999 , Neil A. Weiss, John N. Mac Donald
Film Analysis: A Norton Reader
ISBN 9780393979831 , 2005 , Jeffrey Geiger, R. L. Rutsky
Further mathematics for economic analysis
ISBN 9780273655763 , 2005 , Arne Strom, Knut Sydsæter, Peter Hammond,m.fl.
Performance Analysis: An Introductory Coursebook
ISBN 9780415224079 , 2001 , Colin Counsell, Laurie Wolf
Data Analysis: An Introduction
ISBN 9780803957725 , 1995 , Michael S. Lewis-Beck
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 6th International edition
ISBN 9780135143506 , 2007 , 6. utgave , Dean W. Wichern, Richard Arnold Johnson
Critical Discourse Analysis: The Critical Study of Language
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Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems: In Honor of Alberto Isidori
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Dickens's Fiction and The Simpsons: Parodying the Status Quo: A Comparative Analysis
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Computational Intelligence in Reliability Engineering: Evolutionary Techniques in Reliability Analysis and Optimization
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Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Volume 6
ISBN 9780762306060 , 1997 , Cheng-Few Lee
Gender and Kinship: Essays Toward a Unified Analysis
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Computer-Aided Power System Analysis
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Food Analysis: Principles and Techniques (in 4 Volumes)
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Level Set Methods and Fast Marching Methods: Evolving Interfaces in Computational Geometry, Fluid Mechanics, Computer Vision, and Materials Science
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Three-dimensional visual analysis
ISBN 9789187176166 , 1994 , Cheryl Akner-Koler
Exploratory Data Analysis
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A Second Course in Statistics: Regression Analysis
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Public Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis
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Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis with MyMathLab Global Access Card
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A Complete Guide to the Futures Markets: Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, Trading, Spreads, and Options
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Pinch Analysis and Process Integration: A User Guide on Process Integration for the Efficient Use of Energy
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