Søk: 'Development Centre Studies Financing Development 2008'
Norges lover; lovsamling for helse- og sosialsektoren 2008-2009
ISBN 9788205386969 , 2008
Building the third sector: Latin America's private research centers and nonprofit development
ISBN 9780822956037 , 1996 , Daniel C. Levy
Chinese Studies
ISBN 9780712301565 , 1988 , Frances Wood
Downsizing Development: An Introduction to Nano-scale Technologies and the Implications for the Global South
ISBN 9789211011814 , 2009 , United Nations
Localist movements in a global economy: sustainability, justice and urban development in the United States
ISBN 9780262012645 , 2009
Social Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies
ISBN 9780857027566 , 2012 , Joanne R Smith, S Alexander Haslam
The Handbook of Journalism Studies
ISBN 9780805863437 , 2008 , Thomas Hanitzsch, Karin Wahl Jorgensen
C++ Programming for the Absolute Beginner.
ISBN 9780761535232 , 2001 , Prima Development, Crown Publishing Group
Starting Strong III A Quality Toolbox for Early Childhood Education and Care: A Quality Toolbox for Early Childhood Education and Care
ISBN 9789264123250 , 2012 , m.fl.
Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development
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Development of a Meso-Scale Central-Porous-Fuel-Inlet Combustor: Concept, Design and Application
ISBN 9783639108750 , 2008 , Yueh-Heng Li, Yei-Chin Chao
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412924160 , 2008 , Chris (university Of Wollongong) Barker
Competing in a Service Economy: How to Create a Competitive Advantage Through Service Development and Innovation
ISBN 9780470448212 , 2008 , Anders Gustafsson, Michael D. Johnson
ADHD/Learning Disorders: August 2008, Number 2
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Blackstone's statutes: EU treaties & legislation 2008-2009
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Carroll Dunham: Painting and Sculpture 2004-2008
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Ch´en Yun's Strategy for China's development: a non-Maoist alternative
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Beyond the Miracle of the Market: The Political Economy of Agrarian Development in Kenya
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Learn to Coach: The Skills You Need to Coach for Personal and Professional Development
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An affordable development?: biotechnology, economics, and the implications for the third world
ISBN 9781856493338 , 1995
Drugs Natural Origin: Economic and Policy Aspects of Discovery, Development, and Marketing
ISBN 9780789004147 , 1997 , Anthony Artuso
Moving Ahead with ISO 14000: Improving Environmental Management and Advancing Sustainable Development
ISBN 9780471168775 , 1997 , Philip A. Marcus, John T. Willig
Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies
ISBN 9780415609845 , 2011 , Mona Baker, Gabriela Saldanha
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780857024794 , 2011 , Chris Barker
Performance Studies: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415372466 , 2006 , Richard Schechner
Development of Professional Expertise: Toward Measurement of Expert Performance and Design of Optimal Learning Environments
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Poles Together?: The Emergence and Development of Political Parties in Post-Communist Poland
ISBN 9789639241237 , 2001 , Aleks Szczerbiak
Qualitative Research Methods: In Organisation Studies
ISBN 9788741256450 , 2012 , Lise Justesen
Issues in Cultural Tourism Studies
ISBN 9780415467124 , 2009 , Melanie Smith
After-School Programs that Promote Child and Adolescent Development: Summary of a Workshop
ISBN 9780309073660 , 2000 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.