Søk: 'Thinking Media Aesthetics: Media Studies, Film Studies and the Arts'
Sex and the City (film tie-in)
ISBN 9780349121161 , 2008 , Candace Bushnell
Living Outside Mental Illness: Qualitative Studies of Recovery in Schizophrenia
ISBN 9780814719435 , 2003
Producing And Directing the Short Film And Video
ISBN 9780080468419 , 2006 , Peter W. Rea, David K. Irving
Affect in Social Thinking and Behavior
ISBN 9781841694542 , 2006 , Joseph P. Forgas
Cartoon Thinking
ISBN 9781569761717 , 2003 , Dan G. Holt
No Sense of Place: The Impact of the Electronic Media on Social Behavior
ISBN 9780195042313 , 1985 , Joshua Meyrowitz
Communitarian Journalism: A Special Issue of the Journal of Mass Media Ethics
ISBN 9780805898767 , 1996 , Ralph D. Barney
The Beginner's Guide to Martial Arts
ISBN 9781856056274 , 2002 , Ray Pawlett
Moving Viewers: American Film and the Spectator's Experience
ISBN 9780520256965 , 2009 , Carl Plantinga
Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art: The Analytic Tradition: An Anthology
ISBN 9781405105828 , 2003 , Stein Haugom Olsen, Peter Lamarque
The Hollywood Historical Film
ISBN 9781405146029 , 2008 , Robert Burgoyne
The Hollywood Historical Film
ISBN 9781405146036 , 2008 , Robert Burgoyne
Shaping Technology/Building Society: Studies in Socio-Technical Change
ISBN 9780262521949 , 1994 , John Law, Wiebe Eco Bijker
Media, Bureaucracies, and Foreign Aid: A Comparative Analysis of United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France and Japan
ISBN 9781403962843 , 2004
Aesthetics: a comprehensive anthology
ISBN 9781405154352 , 2007 , Steven M. Cahn, Aaron Meskin
Sustainable Site Design: Criteria, Process, and Case Studies for Integrating Site and Region in Landscape Design
ISBN 9780470187838 , 2010 , Claudia Dinep, Kristin Schwab
Collected Papers III. Studies in Phenomenological Philosophy: Reprint
ISBN 9789024750900 , 1975
Doing Research in Cultural Studies: An Introduction to Classical and New Methodological Approaches
ISBN 9780761965053 , 2003 , Paula Saukko
Allyn and Bacon Digital Media Archive CD-ROM for Education, 2001 Edition
ISBN 9780205319602 , 2000 , ALLYN
A Changing World of Words: Studies in English Historical Lexicography, Lexicology and Semantics
ISBN 9789042013308 , 2002 , Javier E. Díaz Vera
Motion Graphic Design: Applied History and Aesthetics
ISBN 9780240809892 , 2008 , Jon Krasner
Modelling Early Christianity: Social-Scientific Studies of the New Testament in its Context
ISBN 9780203434642 , 2002
The Author, Art, and the Market: Rereading the History of Aesthetics
ISBN 9780231106016 , 1994 , Martha Woodmansee, Arthur Coleman Danto
The Renaissance in Scotland: Studies in Literature, Religion, History and Culture Offered to John Durkan
ISBN 9789004100978 , 1994 , Michael Lynch, A.A. MacDonald, Ian B. Cowan
Film Genre: Hollywood And Beyond
ISBN 9780748619030 , 2005 , Barry Langford
Thinking Sociologically
ISBN 9780631219286 , 2001 , Zygmunt Bauman, Tim May
The Current State of Interlanguage: Studies in Honor of William E. Rutherford
ISBN 9789027221650 , 1995 , Larry Selinker, Michael Sharwood-Smith
WebAssign Student Access Cards for RIT, Thomas' Calculus, Media Upgrade
ISBN 9780321537140 , 2007 , Frank R. Giordano, Maurice D. Weir, Joel R. Hass,m.fl.
Producing and directing the short film and video
ISBN 9780240803944 , 2001 , Peter W. Rea, David K. Irving
Assessing Media Education: A Resource Handbook for Educators and Administrators: Component 1: Measurement
ISBN 9780805860924 , 2006 , William G. Christ