Søk: 'ntnu'
Archaeology: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415496391 , 2010 , Kevin Greene, Tom Moore
McQuail's Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9781849202916 , 2010 , Denis McQuail
European Union History: Themes and Debates
ISBN 9780230232709 , 2010
The Elements of Moral Philosophy
ISBN 9780078038242 , 2012 , James Rachels, Stuart Rachels
Physical Biology of the Cell
ISBN 9780815344506 , 2012 , Julie Theriot, Rob Phillips, Hernan Garcia
ISBN 9781780864396 , 2012
The Norton Anthology of Poetry
ISBN 9780393979206 , 2005 , Margaret Ferguson, Mary Jo Salter,m.fl.
Arbeid i team: læring og utvikling i team
ISBN 9788245002072 , 2004 , Morten Levin, Monica Rolfsen
Tidslinjer 1: verden og Norge : historie Vg2
ISBN 9788203334047 , 2007 , Tore Linné Eriksen, Knut Sprauten,m.fl.
Matematik for lærerstuderende : ypsilon : basisbog
ISBN 9788759313022 , 2007 , Jeppe Skott, Kristine Jess
Gruppen som redskap for læring
ISBN 9788241707735 , 1997 , Eva Nordland
Eight Theories of Religion
ISBN 9780195165708 , 2006 , Daniel L. Pals
Play Between Worlds: Exploring Online Game Culture
ISBN 9780262512626 , 2009 , T. L. Taylor
Electronics: a systems approach
ISBN 9780273719182 , 2009 , Neil Storey
Computer Networking: A Top-down Approach
ISBN 9780321513250 , 2008 , Keith W. Ross, James F. Kurose
Population and Development
ISBN 9780203001059 , 2008 , W. T. S. Gould
Economic Approaches to Organizations
ISBN 9780273681977 , 2008 , Hein Schreuder, Sytse Wybren Douma
Starthjelp i fonetikk og lingvistikk
ISBN 9788251923439 , 2008 , Aleksander Morland, Jardar Eggesbø Abrahamsen
Roman Europe: 1000 BC - AD 400
ISBN 9780199266012 , 2008 , Edward Bispham
Kristninga i Norden 750-1200
ISBN 9788252159400 , 2003 , Jón Vidar Sigurdsson
Organic Chemistry
ISBN 9780071323970 , 2011 , Francis A. Carey, Robert M. Giuliano
Richard Nixon, Great Britain and the Anglo-American Alignment in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Peninsula: Making Allies Out of Clients
ISBN 9781845194666 , 2011 , Tore T. Petersen
Political Economy: Political Economy: The Contest of Economic Ideas, 3rd Edition
ISBN 9780195575019 , 2011 , 3. utgave
How to Do Things with Videogames
ISBN 9780816676477 , 2011 , Ian Bogost
An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications
ISBN 9780321766564 , 2010 , Morris L. Marx, Richard J. Larsen,m.fl.
Det biologiske mennesket: individer og samfunn i lys av evolusjon
ISBN 9788251925938 , 2010 , Terje Bongard, Eivin Røskaft, Frode Hellum
Mad Men
ISBN 9781848853799 , 2010 , Gary R. Edgerton
Street-Level Bureaucracy: Dilemmas of the Individual in Public Service
ISBN 9780871545442 , 2010 , Michael Lipsky
Langmans embryologi
ISBN 9788762809390 , 2010 , T. W. Sadler
Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System
ISBN 9781416055693 , 2010 , Andrew H. Lichtman, Abul K. Abbas