Søk: 'Internet and World Wide Web'
A Boomer's Tour of the Dating World
ISBN 9781425126537 , 2007 , Dell Housewright
International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF-CY): Children and Youth Version
ISBN 9789241547321 , 2007 , World Health Organization
Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet
ISBN 9781857998887 , 1997 , Sherry Turkle
Living In A Contaminated World: Community Structures, Environmental Risks, And Decision Frameworks
ISBN 9780754642992 , 2004 , Ellen Omohundro
Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why The World Needs A Green Revolution - and How We Can Renew Our Global Future
ISBN 9780141036663 , 2009 , Thomas L. Friedman
World Directory of Minorities
ISBN 9780582036192 , 1990 , Miranda Bruce-Mitford, Patrick Thornberry
Hellenism and Empire: Language, Classicism, and Power in the Greek World, Ad 50-250
ISBN 9780198152316 , 1998 , Simon Swain
Advanced PHP programming: a practical guide to developing large-scale Web sites and applications with PHP 5
ISBN 9780672325618 , 2003 , George Sclossnagle
Foreign Policy in a Transformed World
ISBN 9780139087578 , 2002 , Mark Webber, Michael Smith
A World in Chaos: Social Crisis and the Rise of Postmodern CInema
ISBN 9780742532892 , 2003 , Carl Boggs, Thomas Pollard, Tom Pollard
A world in chaos: social crisis and the rise of postmodern cinema
ISBN 9780742532885 , 2003 , Carl Boggs, Thomas D. Pollard
At home in the world?: international migration and development in contemporary Ghana and West Africa
ISBN 9789988550790 , 2005 , Takyiwaa Manuh,m.fl.
Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and how They Can Change the World
ISBN 9781594202858 , 2011 , Jane McGonigal
Children, their world, their education: final report and recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review
ISBN 9780415548700 , 2009 , Robin Alexander, Michael Armstrong, Julia Flutter,m.fl.
Politics and Culture in the Developing World: The Impact of Globalization
ISBN 9780205301119 , 2002 , Richard J. Payne, Jamal R. Nassur
Archaeology matters: action archaeology in the modern world
ISBN 9781598740882 , 2008 , Jeremy A. Sabloff
Window on the world: grunnbok
ISBN 9788205287754 , 2001 , Lindis Hallan
The World Atlas of Wine
ISBN 9781840003321 , 2001 , Hugh Johnson, Jancis Robinson
Ninian Smart on World Religions: Selected Works
ISBN 9780754640806 , 2008 , Ninian Smart, John J. Shepherd
The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web
ISBN 9780735712027 , 2003 , Jessie James Garrett
Information Systems Today: Managing in the Digital World
ISBN 9780137066995 , 2010 , Christoph Schneider, Joseph S. Valacich
In Good Company: The Fast Track from the Corporate World to Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience
ISBN 9781580512367 , 2010 , James Martin S.J.
Mediated: How the Media Shape Your World
ISBN 9780747570868 , 2007 , Thomas De Zengotita
Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet
ISBN 9780297815143 , 1996 , Sherry Turkle
Flotsametrics and the Floating World: How One Man's Obsession with Runaway Sneakers and Rubber Ducks Revolutionized Ocean Science
ISBN 9780061558412 , 2009 , Curtis Ebbesmeyer, Eric Scigliano
Housing the Stranger in the Mediterranean World: Lodging, Trade, and Travel in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
ISBN 9780521109765 , 2009 , Olivia Remie Constable
A World Made New: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
ISBN 9780375760464 , 2002 , Mary Ann Glendon
World War 2: Day by Day
ISBN 9781405304603 , 2004 , Derrik Mercer
Great Political Thinkers of the World
ISBN 9788188817177 , 2006 , R. N. Sharma
Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded
ISBN 9780141005171 , 2004 , Simon Winchester, Soun Vannithone