Søk: 'Foundations of Analysis'
General Chemistry with Qualitative Analysis
ISBN 9780030128646 , 1988 , Kenneth W. Whitten, Kenneth D. Gailey,m.fl.
Quantitative Data Analysis in Education: A Critical Introduction Using Spss
ISBN 9780415372985 , 2006 , Paul Connolly
Co-Integration, Error Correction, and the Econometric Analysis of Non-Stationary Data
ISBN 9780198288107 , 1993 , David F. Hendry
International Wildlife Law: An Analysis of International Treaties Concerned With the Conservation of Wildlife
ISBN 9780521463348 , 1985 , Simon Lyster
Emotion Work in the Gym: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Emotional Labor and Authenticity
ISBN 9783836434140 , 2007 , Mary K. Haman
Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis, and Valuation: A Strategic Perspective
ISBN 9780324789416 , 2010 , Clyde P. Stickney, James M. Wahlen,m.fl.
Micro Markets Workbook: A Market Structure Approach to Microeconomic Analysis
ISBN 9780470608968 , 2010
Micro Markets Workbook: A Market Structure Approach to Microeconomic Analysis
ISBN 9780470608982 , 2010
Qualitative data analysis: an expanded sourcebook
ISBN 9780803955400 , 1994 , Matthew B. Miles, A. M. Huberman
The View from Within: An Analysis and Critique of Legal Realism and Descriptive Jurisprudence
ISBN 9788245001952 , 2004 , Morten Kinander
Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis
ISBN 9780534082475 , 1987
A functional discourse grammar of Joshua: a computer-assisted rhetorical structure analysis
ISBN 9789122016588 , 1995 , Nicolai Winther-Nielsen
Chiral Environmental Pollutants: Trace Analysis and Ecotoxicology
ISBN 9783540664239 , 2001 , Roland Kallenborn, Heinrich Hühnerfuss
A Second Course in Statistics: Regression Analysis.
ISBN 9780131228108 , 2003 , Terry Sincich, III William Mendenhall,m.fl.
Secure Communicating Systems: Design, Analysis, and Implementation
ISBN 9780521807319 , 2001 , Michael Huth
Object-oriented analysis and design with applications
ISBN 9780201895513 , 2001 , Kelli Houston, Grady Booch
Analysis Methods for Electromagnetic Wave Problems
ISBN 9780890067468 , 1995 , Eikichi Yamashita
Contemporary political ideologies: a comparative analysis
ISBN 9780534506940 , 1995 , Lyman Tower Sargent
Finite Element Modeling for Stress Analysis
ISBN 9780471107743 , 1995 , Robert D. Cook
Tool Kit for Quantitative Data Analysis: Using SPSS
ISBN 9780230500457 , 2007 , Sotirios Sarantakos
Accounting And Financial Analysis In The Hospitality Industry
ISBN 9780750678964 , 2005 , Jon Hales
Understanding Circuits: Learning Problem Solving Using Circuit Analysis
ISBN 9781598290028 , 2005 , Khalid Sayood, Richard C. Dorf
LSC Space Propulsion Analysis and Design with Website
ISBN 9780077230296 , 2007 , Wiley J. Larson, Ronald Humble
A Mediterranean Society: The Jewish Communities of the Arab World as Portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza. Economic foundations. Vol. 1
ISBN 9780520221598 , 2000 , S. D. Goitein
A Mediterranean Society: The Jewish Communities of the Arab World as Portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza. Economic Foundations. Volume I
ISBN 9780520221581 , 2000 , S. D. Goitein
From Antz to Titanic: reinventing film analysis
ISBN 9780745315799 , 2000 , Martin Barker, Thomas Austin
From Antz to Titanic: reinventing film analysis
ISBN 9780745315843 , 2000 , Martin Barker, Thomas Austin
Equity Management: Quantitative Analysis for Stock Selection
ISBN 9780071346863 , 2000 , Bruce I. Jacobs, Kenneth N. Levy
Root cause analysis: simplified tools and techniques
ISBN 9780873894661 , 2000 , Bjørn Andersen, Tom Fagerhaug
Analyzing Animal Societies: Quantitative Methods for Vertebrate Social Analysis
ISBN 9780226895239 , 2008 , Hal Whitehead