Søk: 'International relations: the global condition in the twenty-first century'
Energy At The Crossroads: Global Perspectives And Uncertainties
ISBN 9780262693240 , 2005 , Vaclav Smil
Intergroup Relations
ISBN 9780335209897 , 2003 , Marilynn B. Brewer
The Handbook of Strategic Public Relations and Integrated Communications
ISBN 9780786311316 , 1997 , Clarke Caywood
In the wake
ISBN 9780099520740 , 2007 , Per Petterson
The Solid Earth: An Introduction to Global Geophysics
ISBN 9780521893077 , 2004 , C. M. R. Fowler
The Atlantic Alliance Under Stress: US-European Relations after Iraq
ISBN 9780521614085 , 2005 , David M. Andrews
Allegories of Violence: Tracing the Writings of War in Late Twentieth-Century Fiction
ISBN 9780415936378 , 2001
Understanding Conflict Resolution: War, Peace and the Global System
ISBN 9780857020505 , 2011 , Peter Wallensteen
Money, Banking and the Financial System, International Edition
ISBN 9781292000183 , 2013 , R. Glenn Hubbard
Corporate Responsibility and Labour Rights: Codes of Conduct in the Global Economy
ISBN 9781853839313 , 2002 , Ruth Pearson, Gill Seyfang, Richard Howitt,m.fl.
The brightest star in the sky
ISBN 9780141399973 , 2011 , Marian Keyes
The Brightest Star in the Sky
ISBN 9781408486108 , 2011 , Marian Keyes
The Brightest Star in the Sky
ISBN 9780141044132 , 2009 , Marian Keyes, Niamh Daly
Microeconomics: International Edition
ISBN 9780133041705 , 2012 , Robert Pindyck, Daniel Rubinfeld
The International Business Environment: Challenges and Changes
ISBN 9780273725664 , 2010 , Ian Brooks, Jamie Weatherston, Graham Wilkinson
Educating Citizens for Global Awareness
ISBN 9780807745342 , 2005 , Nel Noddings,m.fl.
The origins of the modern world: a global and ecological narrative
ISBN 9780742517547 , 2002 , Robert B. Marks
International Migration in the Age of Crisis and Globalization: Historical and Recent Experiences
ISBN 9780521194259 , 2010 , Andres Solimano
The Philosophy of Language, 5th Edn. International Edition
ISBN 9780195399851 , 2010 , Aloysius Martinich
To Our Friends
ISBN 9781584351672 , 2015 , The Invisible Committee
Mathematics for the International Student: Worked solutions
ISBN 9781876543518 , 2005 , Mal Coad, Cathy Newgrain
Going off the rails: global capital and the crisis of legitimacy
ISBN 9780470853146 , 2003 , John Plender
An Introduction to Human Geography: Issues for the 21st Century
ISBN 9780132056847 , 2008 , Michael Bradshaw, James D. Sidaway, P. W. Daniels
The global positioning system and inertial navigation
ISBN 9780070220454 , 1999 , Jay Farrell, Matthew Barth
Ideas for the Future of the International Monetary System
ISBN 9780792384359 , 1999 , Michele Fratianni, Dominick Salvatore,m.fl.
Race Relations in Britain: A Developing Agenda
ISBN 9780415150095 , 1998 , Tessa Blackstone, B.C. Parekh
The pedant in the kitchen
ISBN 9781843542391 , 2003 , Julian Barnes
The Catcher in the Rye
ISBN 9780316769174 , 2001 , J.D. Salinger
The wolves in the walls
ISBN 9780380978274 , 2003 , Neil Gaiman, Dave McKean
Elimination World Poverty: The Challenge of the 21st Century - White Paper on in Command Paper 3789
ISBN 9780101378925 , 1997 , m.fl.