Søk: '2008)'
Characterization, Monitoring, and Modeling of Geosystems: Proceedings of Sessions of GeoCongress 2008, March 9-12, 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana, Sponsored by the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers
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Dawn Mellor: Exhibition , Migros-Museum Fur Gegenwartskunst Zurich, 27th November, 2008 - 8th February, 2009
ISBN 9783905829983 , 2009 , Dawn Mellor
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Munch Becoming "Munch": Artistic Strategies, 1880-1892 : Munch Museet, 10 October 2008-11January 2009
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Gravitation and cosmology: proceedings of the Third International Meeting, Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico, 26-30 May 2008
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An Assessment of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory: Fiscal Year 2008
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Interactions of Classical and Numerical Algebraic Geometry: A Conference in Honor of Andrew Sommese, Interactions of Classical and Numerical Algebraic Geometry, May 22-24 2008, University of Notre Dame, Notre D
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