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Meetings of cultures in the Black Sea Region: between conflict and ...
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The Anthropology of Europe: identity and boundaries in conflict
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The Politics of Food: The Global Conflict Between Food Security and Food Sovereignty
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Conflict Management in Divided Societies: Theories and Practice
ISBN 9780415563741 , 2011 , Stefan Wolff
Conflict in South-Eastern Europe at the end of the twentieth century: a "Scholars' Initiative" assesses some of the controversies
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Photo Icons: The Story Behind the Pictures 1928-1991
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Democracy and International Conflict: An Evaluation of Democratic Peace Proposition
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Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation Plus MyPoliSciKit
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Ekstremismens tidsalder: det 20. århundrets historie 1914-1991
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Guinea Pigs: Food, Symbol and Conflict of Knowledge in Ecuador
ISBN 9781859731192 , 1997 , Eduardo P. Archetti, Valentina Napolitano
Ekstremismens tidsalder : det 20. århundrets historie 1914-1991
ISBN 9788205245341 , 1997 , E.J. Hobsbawm
Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation: An Introduction to Theory and History
ISBN 9780205877386 , 2012 , David A. Welch, Joseph S Nye, Jr.
Contemporary Conflict Resolution: The Prevention, Management and Transformation of Deadly Conflicts
ISBN 9780745632124 , 2005 , Hugh Miall, Tom Woodhouse, Oliver Ramsbotham
Understanding Prejudice, Racism, and Social Conflict
ISBN 9780761962076 , 2001 , Martha Augoustinos, Katherine Jane Reynolds
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A Glossary of Literary Terms
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Latin America: Development and Conflict Since 1945
ISBN 9780415318228 , 2004 , John Ward
Afghanistan, Arms and Conflict: Armed Groups, Disarmament and Security in a Post-War Society
ISBN 9780415453080 , 2008 , Mark Sedra, Michael Vinay Bhatia
Europe Recast: A History of European Union
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Cold War Literature: Writing the Global Conflict
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Cold War Literature: Writing The Global Conflict
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