Søk: 'A Course in Linear Algebra with Applications'
Introduction to Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780321190437 , 2003 , Lee W. Johnson, R.Dean Riess, Jimmy T. Arnold
Studyguide for Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version by Howard A. Anton, ISBN 9780471669593
ISBN 9781428837188 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
A Course in Modern Analysis and its Applications
ISBN 9780521526272 , 2003 , Graeme Laurence Cohen
A First Course in Statistics [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780136152590 , 2008 , James T. McClave, Terry Sincich,m.fl.
WileyPlus Stand-alone to Accompany Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications, Tenth Edition International Student Version
ISBN 9780470561614 , 2010 , 10. utgave
Student Resource Manual to Accompany Linear Algebra: Ideas & Applications 2e
ISBN 9780471433361 , 2004 , 2. utgave , Penney
Applied Numerical Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780898713893 , 1997 , James W. Demmel
Linear Algebra Done Right
ISBN 9780387982588 , 1997 , Sheldon Axler
A Course in Modern Analysis and its Applications
ISBN 9780521819961 , 2003 , Graeme L. Cohen
Introduction to Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780763706258 , 1997 , Geza Schay, Dennis Wortman
Introduction to Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780201824162 , 1997 , Lee W. Johnson, Ronald Dean Riess,m.fl.
Linear Algebra: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292026503 , 2013 , Lawrence E. Spence
Linear Algebra and Its Applications Plus MML Student Starter Kit
ISBN 9780321131805 , 2002 , ANONIMO, David Lay, MML
Elements of Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780412552809 , 1994 , A. Ramachandra RamachandraRao,m.fl.
Elementary Linear Algebra 9th Edition with Wiley Plus Set
ISBN 9780470150962 , 2007 , 9. utgave
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780131984813 , 2005 , David E. Penney, Charles Henry Edwards
Introduction to Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780961408855 , 1993 , Gilbert Strang
Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version, Textbook and Student Solutions Manual
ISBN 9780471385790 , 2000
A First Course in Finite Elements [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780470035801 , 2007 , Jacob Fish, Ted Belytschko
Matrices and Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780486660141 , 1989 , George Phillip. Barker
A First Course in Wavelets with Fourier Analysis
ISBN 9780470431177 , 2009 , Albert Boggess, Francis J. Narcowich
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780136054252 , 2008 , David E. Penney, Charles Henry Edwards
Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version, Textbook and Student Solutions Manual
ISBN 9780471154396 , 1995
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Updated plus MyMathLab Student Access Kit
ISBN 9780321417619 , 2006 , David C. Lay
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780131860612 , 2006 , James Hall, Jean McDill, Beverly West,m.fl.
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Updated plus MyMathLab Student Access Kit
ISBN 9780321280626 , 2005 , David C. Lay, Eric Stade
An Introduction to Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780486664347 , 2003 , Leonid Mirsky
Calculus and Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780471456865 , 1970 , Wilfred Kaplan, Donald J. Lewis,m.fl.
Calculus: Multi-variable calculus and linear algebra, with applications to differential equations and probability
ISBN 9780471000075 , 1975 , 2. utgave , Tom M. Apostol
Study Guide [to] Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Third Edition Update: Guide
ISBN 9780321280664 , 2005 , 3. utgave , David C. Lay