Søk: 'A Realist Approach for Qualitative Research'
Marketing Research: An Integrated Approach
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Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches
ISBN 9780761924425 , 2003 , John W. Creswell
Handbook of Media and Communications Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methodologies
ISBN 9780415225885 , 2002 , Klaus Jensen
Qualitative Methods in Organizational Research and Practice
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Essential Guide to Qualitative Methods in Organizational Research
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Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative And Quantitative Approaches
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InterViews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing
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Music Therapy Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives
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Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches
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Introduction to Social Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches
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Marketing Research: An Applied Approach
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Chemistry: A Molecular Approach
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Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory
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Essential Guide to Qualitative Methods in Organizational Research
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Making Sense of Qualitative Data: Complementary Research Strategies
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Ethnography and Qualitative Design in Educational Research
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Qualitative computing: using software for qualitative data analysis
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CBT for Psychosis: A Symptom-Based Approach
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Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. W. Lawrence Neuman
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The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Health Research
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Studyguide for Research Methods and Statistics: A Critical Thinking Approach by Jackson, ISBN 9780534556600
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Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research
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Electronics: A Systems Approach
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Mathematics for Engineers: A Modern Interactive Approach
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Qualitative Research into Journalism: Taking it to the Streets
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Value Pack: Global Marketing: A Decision-oriented Approach with Research Methods for Business Students
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Appraising Research in Second Language Learning: A Practical Approach to Critical Analysis of Quantitative Research
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