Søk: 'Algebra & Trigonometry'
Algebra: A Graduate Course
ISBN 9780534190026 , 1993
Matrix: Algebra, Calculus and Generalized Inverse
ISBN 9781898326540 , 2007
Matrices and Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780486660141 , 1989 , George Phillip. Barker
Lineær algebra og diskret matematikk
ISBN 9788256263172 , 2005 , Jan Ubøe, Arne Stray
Pre-Algebra DeMYSTiFieD, Second Edition
ISBN 9780071742528 , 2000 , 2. utgave , Allan G. Bluman
Linear Algebra Teaching and Learning: Visualization
ISBN 9783639089943 , 2008 , Hamide Dogan-Dunlap
The Modern Algebra of Information Retrieval
ISBN 9783540776581 , 2008 , Sándor Dominich
A First Course in Abstract Algebra
ISBN 9788177589009 , 2003 , John B. Fraleigh
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780139737510 , 2001 , David E. Penney, Charles Henry Edwards
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780130903624 , 2001 , David E. Penney, Charles Henry Edwards
Student Study Guide for Linear Algebra and Its Applications
ISBN 9780321388834 , 2011 , David C. Lay, Judith McDonald
Diskret matematikk og lineær algebra
ISBN 9788276748918 , 2002 , Per-Even Kleive
Elements of Abstract Algebra
ISBN 9780486647258 , 1985 , Allan Clark
Elementary Linear Algebra: A Matrix Approach
ISBN 9780131580343 , 2007 , Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel,m.fl.
Elementary Linear Algebra: A Matrix Approach
ISBN 9780131871410 , 2007 , Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel,m.fl.
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780132637572 , 2000 , Stephen W. Goode
Linear Algebra, Geodesy, and Gps
ISBN 9780961408862 , 1997 , Kai Borre, Gilbert Strang
WIE Elementary Linear Algebra, 9th Edition
ISBN 9780471449034 , 2005 , 9. utgave , Howard A. Anton
Strang's Linear Algebra And Its Applications
ISBN 9780495013259 , 2005 , Gilbert Strang, Brett Coonley,m.fl.
Basic Algebra: Groups, Rings, and Fields
ISBN 9781852335878 , 2003 , Paul Moritz Cohn
Linear Algebra and Its Applications
ISBN 9780201767179 , 1997 , David C. Lay
WIE Elementary Linear Algebra With Application, 9th Edition
ISBN 9780471449027 , 2005 , 9. utgave , Howard A. Anton
Linear Algebra and Its Applications with CD-ROM, Update
ISBN 9780321314857 , 2006 , David C. Lay
Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications
ISBN 9780030103476 , 1995 , Richard O. Hill
Linear Algebra and Its Applications
ISBN 9780155510050 , 1988 , Gilbert Strang
Calculus and Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780471456865 , 1970 , Wilfred Kaplan, Donald J. Lewis,m.fl.
Calculus and Matrix Algebra for Business
ISBN 9780757500107 , 2003 , Juan A. Gatica
A Course in Linear Algebra: With Applications
ISBN 9789812700230 , 2006 , Derek John Scott Robinson
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra: International Edition
ISBN 9780138141028 , 2008 , David E. Penney, Charles Henry Edwards,m.fl.
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra Applications Manual
ISBN 9780321615251 , 2008 , David E. Penney, C. Henry Edwards, David Calvis