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Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Kaballah
ISBN 9781858100036 , 1992 , E. Gewurz
Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece
ISBN 9780942299199 , 1990 , Janet Lloyd, Jean-Pierre Vernant
Myth and Society in Ancient Greece
ISBN 9780942299168 , 1989 , Janet Lloyd, Jean-Pierre Vernant
Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece
ISBN 9780942299182 , 1989 , Janet Lloyd, Jean-Pierre Vernant
The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom
ISBN 9780465028023 , 2006
The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Greece
ISBN 9780140513356 , 1996 , Robert Morkot
Constructing the Ancient World: Architectural Techniques of the Greeks and Romans
ISBN 9781606060162 , 2010 , Carmelo G. Malacrino
Myth and Society in Ancient Greece
ISBN 9780942299175 , 1990 , Janet Lloyd, Jean-Pierre Vernant
Voices from the Other World: Ancient Egyptian Tales
ISBN 9781400076666 , 2004 , Naguib Mahfouz, Raymond Stock
Voices of Ancient Philosophy: An Introductory Reader
ISBN 9780195126952 , 2000
Janson's History of Art: The Ancient World, Portable Edition
ISBN 9780205161102 , 2010 , David Simon, Penelope J.E. Davies,m.fl.
Sanctuaries and the Sacred in the Ancient Greek World
ISBN 9780521006354 , 2005 , John Pedley
The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Rome
ISBN 9780140513295 , 1995 , Christopher Scarre, Swanston Graphics Limited
Ancient Monuments Board for Scotland: Annual Report
ISBN 9780102929997 , 1999 , Michael Lynch,m.fl.
Shadowmancer: What Can Stand Against an Ancient Evil.
ISBN 9781591856658 , 2005 , G.P Taylor
Behind the Veils of Yemen: How an American Woman Risked Her Life, Family, and Faith to Bring Jesus to Muslim Women
ISBN 9780800795184 , 2011
The Pilgrimage: A Contemporary Quest for Ancient Wisdom
ISBN 9780060736293 , 2004 , Paulo Coelho
Shadowmancer: What Can Stand Against an Ancient Evil. . .
ISBN 9781591856139 , 2004 , Graham P. Taylor
Kaufman Ancient Rain Poems 1956-1978
ISBN 9780811208017 , 1981 , B KAUFMAN
Making Men: Sophists and Self-Presentation in Ancient Rome
ISBN 9780691137346 , 2008 , Maud W. Gleason
Readings In Ancient Greek Philosophy: From Thales To Aristotle
ISBN 9780872207691 , 2005 , Patricia Curd, C. D. C. Reeve, S.Marc Cohen
The complete gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt
ISBN 9780500051207 , 2003 , Richard H. Wilkinson
Ancient Persia: From 550 Bc to 650 Ad
ISBN 9781860646751 , 2001 , Josef Wiesehöfer
The History of Human Rights: From Ancient Times to the Globalization Era
ISBN 9780520256415 , 2008 , Micheline R. Ishay
Ancient Health: Skeletal Indicators of Agricultural and Economic Intensification
ISBN 9780813030821 , 2007 , Clark Spencer Larsen, Mark Nathan Cohen,m.fl.
Why Bother With History?: Ancient, Modern, and Postmodern Motivations
ISBN 9780582423909 , 2000 , Beverley C. Southgate
The World of Thought in Ancient China
ISBN 9780674961913 , 1989 , Benjamin Isadore Schwartz
Parthenope: Selected Studies in Ancient Greek Fiction (1969-2004)
ISBN 9788772899077 , 2003 , Lars Boje Mortensen, Tormod Eide, Tomas Hägg
Readings in Ancient Greek: From Thales to Aristotle
ISBN 9780872205390 , 2000 , Patricia Curd, C. D. C. Reeve, S. Marc Cohen
The fabrication of Ancient Greece, 1785-1985
ISBN 9780099887805 , 1991 , Martin Bernal