Søk: 'Aphra Behn Stages the Social Scene in the Restoration Theatre'
The Media and Social Theory
ISBN 9780415447997 , 2008 , Jason Toynbee
The Handbook of Social Capital
ISBN 9780199271238 , 2008 , Dario Castiglione, Jan Van Deth, Guglielmo Wolleb
Systematic Reviews in the Social Sciences: A Practical Guide
ISBN 9781405121101 , 2005 , Mark Petticrew, Helen Roberts
At the Junction: Four Plays by the Junction Avenue Theatre Company
ISBN 9781868142644 , 1995 , Junction Avenue Theatre Company, Martin Orkin
Documentary Research: In Education, History and the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780415272865 , 2004 , Gary McCulloch
Documentary Research in Education, History, and the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780415272872 , 2004 , Gary McCulloch
Quantitative Ecological Analysis in the Social Sciences
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Religion, the social context
ISBN 9780534505721 , 1997 , Meredith B. McGuire
The Social Psychology of Culture
ISBN 9781841690865 , 2006 , Chi-yue Chiu, Ying-yi Hong
A Malleable Map: Geographies of Restoration in Central Japan, 1600-1912
ISBN 9780520272767 , 2012 , K Ren Wigen, Karen E Wigen
Emotion in social life: the lost heart of society
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Emotion in Social Life: The Lost Heart of Society
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The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process
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Free expression in the age of the Internet: social and legal boundaries
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The Logic of Social Research
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AIDS in Europe: New Challenges for the Social Sciences
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Henrik Ibsen And the Birth of Modernism: Art, Theatre, Philosophy
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Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: A Pluralist Perspective
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The Social Amplification of Risk
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The Media and Social Theory
ISBN 9780415448000 , 2008 , Jason Toynbee
The catcher in the rye
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The Prisoner Society: Power, Adaptation and Social Life in an English Prison
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The foundations of social research: meaning and perspective in the research process
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The Girl in the Mirror
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A Concise History of Polish Theatre from the Eleventh to the Twentieth Centuries
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Automobility: Social Changes in the American South, 1909-1939
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For the Sake of the Children: The Social Organization of Responsibility in the Hospital and the Home
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Readings about the Social Animal
ISBN 9781429206174 , 2007 , Elliot Aronson, Joshua Aronson
Religion, the social context
ISBN 9780534169688 , 1991 , Meredith B. McGuire
Social learning technologies: the introduction of multimedia in education
ISBN 9780754614098 , 2000 , Wiebe E. Bijker, Marc Van Lieshout,m.fl.