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A glorious and terrible life with you: selected correspondence of Northrop Frye and Helen Kemp, 1932-1939
ISBN 9780802097651 , 2007 , Margaret Burgess, Northrop Frye, Robert D. Denham,m.fl.
A Glorious and Terrible Life With You: Selected Correspondence of Northrop Frye and Helen Kemp 1932-1939
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History of the Classical World: A Chronicle of Politics, Battles, Beliefs, Mythology, Art and Architecture, Shown in Over 1700 Photographs and Artworks
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A Dictionary of Twentieth Century Russian and Soviet Painters: 1900-1980s
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Art in Europe, 1700-1830: A History of the Visual Arts in an Era of Unprecedented Urban Economic Growth
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Religion in Social Context in Europe and America, 1200-1700
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And Quiet Flows the Vodka: Or When Pushkin Comes to Shove: The Curmudgeon's Guide to Russian Literature with the Devil's Dictionary of Received Ideas
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From America With Love: Understanding the Cultural and Custom Differences for the New Russian Wife Living in America...
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Coal and Politics in Late Imperial Russia: Memoirs of a Russian Mining Engineer
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