Søk: 'Au Pair USA'
Applications of artificial intelligence in engineering IX: proceedings of the ninth international conference, held in Pennsylvania, USA, 19th-21st July, 1994
ISBN 9781853122842 , 1994 , George Rzevski, R. A. Adey, D. W. Russell
Entity-Relationship Approach - ER '93: 12th International Conference on the Entity-Relationship Approach, Arlington, Texas, USA, December 15 - 17, 1993. Proceedings
ISBN 9783540582175 , 1994 , Ramez Elmasri, Vram Kouramajian,m.fl.
Communication and Architectural Support for Network-Based Parallel Computing: First International Workshop, CANPC'97, San Antonio, Texas, USA, February 1-2, 1997 Proceedings
ISBN 9783540625735 , 1997
Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce VI: Theories for and Engineering of Distributed Mechanisms and Systems, AAMAS 2004 Workshop, Amec 2004, New York, NY, USA, July 19, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
ISBN 9783540297376 , 2006 , Peyman Faratin, Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar
A Collection of Papers Presented by the Fire Safety Engineering Group at the Third Triennial Fire and Safety Research Conference, Atlantic City, USA, 22-25 October 2001
ISBN 9781899991846 , 2001 , Edwin Galea
Scripture and Revelation: Papers Presented at the First Irfan Colloquium Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, England, December 1993 and the Second Irfan Colloquium, Wilmette, USA, March 1994
ISBN 9780853984191 , 1997 , Moojan Momen
Dynamics and control of chemical reactors, distillation columns, and batch processes (DYCORD+ '92): selected papers from the 3rd IFAC symposium, Maryland, USA, 26-29 April 1992
ISBN 9780080417110 , 1993 , International Federation of Automatic Control,m.fl.
Anticancer Drug Discovery and Development: Natural Products and New Molecular Models : Proceedings of the Second Drug Discovery and Development Symposium, Traverse City, Michigan, USA, June 27-29, 1991
ISBN 9780792329282 , 1994 , Frederick A. Valeriote, Thomas H. Corbett,m.fl.
Introduction to Probability Models, ISE
ISBN 9780123736352 , 2006 , Sheldon M. Ross,m.fl.
Improving Risk Communication
ISBN 9780309039437 , 1989 , m.fl.
Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics
ISBN 9780071316989 , 2011 , Samuel Adam Wathen,m.fl.
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Transactions of the International Cryogenic Materials Conference - ICMC, Keystone, Colorado, 29 August - 2 September 2005. B.
ISBN 9780735403161 , 2006 , U. Balachandran, U. Balachandran (Physiker, USA),m.fl.
Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics
ISBN 9780070172203 , 2009 , Douglas A. Lind,m.fl.