Søk: 'Bad Feminist: Essays'
Essays on actions and events.
ISBN 9780199246274 , 2001 , Donald Davidson
Blindsoner: utvalgte artikler og essays
ISBN 9788203186110 , 2003 , Inger Elisabeth Hansen
Reading Harry Potter: critical essays
ISBN 9780313320675 , 2003 , Giselle Liza Anatol
Bad Leadership: What it Is, how it Happens, why it Matters
ISBN 9781591391661 , 2004 , Barbara Kellerman
Culture in Practice: Selected Essays
ISBN 9780942299380 , 2005 , Marshall Sahlins
Economics and Write Great Essays
ISBN 9780077115913 , 2005 , Rudiger Dornbusch, David K.H. Begg,m.fl.
Essays on the Quality of Life
ISBN 9789048163045 , 2010 , A.C. Michalos
Living with Bad Surroundings: War, History, and Everyday Moments in Northern Uganda
ISBN 9780822341918 , 2008 , Sverker Finnstrom
Engaging With Irigaray: Feminist Philosophy and Modern European Thought
ISBN 9780231078962 , 1994 , Naomi Schor, Carolyn L. Burke
Critical Essays, 1969-1994
ISBN 9780195090086 , 1995 , Thomas Nagel
Forgreininger: essays og annen prosa
ISBN 9788203187117 , 2004 , Thure Erik Lund
Essays og artikler: 1910-1919
ISBN 9788203187926 , 2004 , Liv Bliksrud, Sigrid Undset
Stillhetens historie og andre essays
ISBN 9788215005478 , 2004 , Peter Englund, Per Qvale
Postmetaphysical Thinking: Philosophical Essays
ISBN 9780745614120 , 1994 , Jurgen Habermas
Tanke, tro og liv: to essays
ISBN 9788230005118 , 2009 , Trond Nyquist Andresen
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
ISBN 9780465086061
Poesi og lærepenger: essays, artikler, foredrag
ISBN 9788205393721 , 2009 , Øyvind Berg
Against Interpretation, and Other Essays
ISBN 9780312280864 , 2001 , Susan Sontag
Musikk og verdier: musikkpedagogiske essays
ISBN 9788200225706 , 1996 , Even Ruud
Feminist Film Theorists: Laura Mulvey, Kaja Silverman, Teresa De Lauretis, Barbara Creed
ISBN 9780415324328 , 2006 , Shohini Chaudhuri
Essays on Self-Reference
ISBN 9780231063685 , 1990 , Niklas Luhmann
Friendly Remainders: Essays in Musical Criticism After Adorno
ISBN 9780773539198 , 2011 , Murray Dineen
Omsorg, sykepleie og medisin: historisk-filosofiske essays
ISBN 9788215002163 , 2003 , Kari Martinsen
Nokpunktet: essays om helse og verdighet
ISBN 9788215013473 , 2008 , Per Fugelli
Tydelig. 33; essays 1965-1998
ISBN 9788205264946 , 1999 , Jan Erik Vold
New Women of Spain: Social-political and Philosophical Studies of Feminist Thought
ISBN 9783825861995 , 2005 , Elisabeth de Sotelo
Det onde øye: essays
ISBN 9788202201623 , 2001 , Stig Sæterbakken
Har fjellet ansikt?: naturfilosofiske essays
ISBN 9788299566209 , 2001 , Hans Kolstad
Culture in Practice: Selected Essays
ISBN 9780942299373 , 2001 , Marshall Sahlins
Bad Samaritans: the guilty secrets of rich nations and the threat to global prosperity
ISBN 9781905211371 , 2008 , Ha-Joon Chang