Søk: 'Beyond Silenced Voices: Class, Race, and Gender in United States Schools'
American Orientalism: The United States and the Middle East Since 1945
ISBN 9780807858981 , 2008 , Douglas Little
Schools and Societies
ISBN 9780803990593 , 1998 , Steven G. Brint
Race and Ethnicity in Latin America: Second Edition
ISBN 9780745329475 , 2010 , 2. utgave , Peter Wade
Globalisation and the Labour Market: Trade, Technology and Less Skilled Workers in Europe and the United States
ISBN 9780415320122 , 2006 , John Whalley, Robert Anderton, Paul Brenton
Window on the United States : a university primer
ISBN 9789144023144 , 2002 , Donald MacQueen
The rise of modern business in Great Britain, the United States, and Japan
ISBN 9780807842027 , 1988 , Mansel G. Blackford
Voice Work: Art and Science in Changing Voices
ISBN 9780470019924 , 2009 , Christina Shewell
A History of the United States, Second Edition
ISBN 9781403900302 , 2003 , 2. utgave , Philip Jenkins
Twentieth-century Jewellery: From Art Nouveau to Comtemporary Design in Europe and the United States
ISBN 9788861305328 , 2009
Democratization and Gender in Contemporary Russia
ISBN 9780415441124 , 2008 , Suvi Salmenniemi
Gender, Islam, and Democracy in Indonesia
ISBN 9780415415835 , 2008 , Kathryn May Robinson
Inventing America: A History of the United States
ISBN 9780393974348 , 2002
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States
ISBN 9780618611508 , 2006 , Howard P. Chudacoff, William M. Tuttle,m.fl.
Algeria in France: transpolitics, race, and nation
ISBN 9780253217127 , 2004
Media, Bureaucracies, and Foreign Aid: A Comparative Analysis of United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France and Japan
ISBN 9781403962843 , 2004
Class counts: comparative studies in class analysis
ISBN 9780521553872 , 1996 , Erik Olin Wright
Class Counts: Comparative Studies in Class Analysis
ISBN 9780521556460 , 1996 , Erik Olin Wright
Empire by Integration: The United States and European Integration, 1945-1997
ISBN 9780198782117 , 1997 , Geir Lundestad
Algeria in France: Transpolitics, Race, and Nation
ISBN 9780253344519 , 2004
American Orientalism: The United States and the Middle East Since 1945
ISBN 9781860648892 , 2002 , Douglas Little
Dance Between Two Cultures: Latino Caribbean Literature Written in the United States
ISBN 9780826513953 , 2001 , Oscar Hijuelos, Julia Alvarez, William Luis,m.fl.
Cold war crucible: United States foreign policy and the conflict in Romania, 1943-1953
ISBN 9780880333399 , 1996
Structure, culture, and governance: a comparison of Norway and the United States
ISBN 9780847693146 , 1999 , Tom Christensen, B. Guy Peters
Class and Stratification
ISBN 9780745638690 , 2008
The gender challenge to media: diverse voices from the field
ISBN 9781572733091 , 2000 , Elizabeth L. Toth, Linda Aldoory
Gender, Christianity and Change in Vanuatu
ISBN 9780754690597 , 2008
Nation and Gender in Contemporary Europe
ISBN 9780719068560 , 2005 , Vera Tolz, Stephenie Booth
Resurgent Voices in Latin America
ISBN 9780813534619 , 2004 , Edward L. Cleary, Timothy J. Steigenga
Administrative law of the European Union, its member states and the United States: a comparative analysis
ISBN 9789050952514 , 2002 , René Seerden,m.fl.
The rise of modern business: Great Britain, the United States, Germany, Japan, and China
ISBN 9780807858868 , 2008 , Mansel G. Blackford