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Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics: teachers' understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States
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Elements of Ecology: International Edition
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Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice
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Leadership and Diversity: Challenging Theory and Practice in Education
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Before the Voice of Reason: Echoes of Responsibility in Merleau-Ponty's Ecology and Levinas's Ethics
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Counterworks: managing the diversity of knowledge
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Human Rights and the Ethics of Globalization
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Islands and Ancestors: Indigenous Styles of Southeast Asia
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Dispersal Ecology and Evolution
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Health and Human Rights in Europe
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Before the Voice of Reason: Echoes of Responsibility in Merleau-Ponty's Ecology and Levinas's Ethics
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Ways of Being Religious
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Ecology and Evolution of Communities
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Elements of Ecology: International Edition
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Psychology: In Search of the Human Mind
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