Søk: 'Biographies and Space: Placing the Subject in Art and Architecture'
Architecture and Its Ethical Dilemmas
ISBN 9780415348690 , 2005 , Nicholas Ray
Art and Thought
ISBN 9780631227151 , 2003 , Dana Arnold, Margaret Iversen
Appropriation as Practice: Art and Identity in Argentina
ISBN 9781403973146 , 2007 , Arnd Schneider
Film Architecture and the Transnational Imagination: set Design in 1930s European Cinema
ISBN 9789053569801 , 2007 , Sarah Street, Tim Bergfelder, Sue Harris
Astrophysics and Space Science Library
ISBN 9789027716019 , 1983 , International Astronomical Union. Colloquium,m.fl.
Eros: The God of Love in Legend and Art
ISBN 9781577171485 , 2000 , Irene Korn
Modern Art: Practices and Debates. Modernism in Dispute - Art Since the Forties
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Music, Space And Place: Popular Music And Cultural Identity
ISBN 9780754655749 , 2005 , Sheila Whiteley, Andy Bennett, Stan Hawkins
Writing Space: Computers, Hypertext, and the Remediation of Print
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Scenographic Architecture and the Venetian Baroque
ISBN 9780030782206 , 1963 , Rudolf Wittkower
Understanding Architecture: An Introduction to Architecture and Architectural History
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Software architecture in practice
ISBN 9780321154958 , 2003 , Len Bass, Paul Clements, Bass, Rick Kazman
Voice Work: Art and Science in Changing Voices
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The Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art and in Modern Oblivion
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Whose Public Space?: International Case Studies in Urban Design and Development
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Art and Morality
ISBN 9780415192521 , 2002 , José Luis Bermúdez, Sebastian Gardner,m.fl.
Outlines & Highlights for Seventeenth Century Art and Architecture by Ann Sutherland Harris: 9780136033721
ISBN 9781428892170 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Whose Public Space?: International Case Studies in Urban Design and Development
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Architecture and Modernity: A Critique
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Gender and Art.
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Ireland and Europe in the Middle Ages: selected essays on architecture and sculpture
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Network Analysis, Architecture and Design
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Art and Thought
ISBN 9780631227144 , 2003 , Dana Arnold, Margaret Iversen
Form and Fabric in Landscape Architecture: A Visual Introduction
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Baroque and Rococo Architecture
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Music, space and place: popular music and cultural identity
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Architecture and the Allied Arts, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Romanesque and Gothic
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Dictionary of Architecture and Building Construction
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The Art of Fresco Painting: In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
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Placing Aesthetics: Reflections On Philosophic Tradition
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