Søk: 'C++ GUI Programming with Qt4'
Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version with MyProgrammingLab: International Edition
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Absolute C++
ISBN 9780132830713 , 2012 , Walter Savitch, Kenrick Mock
Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures Through Objects
ISBN 9780132576253 , 2011 , Tony Gaddis
The Object Concept: An Introduction to Computer Programming Using C++
ISBN 9780534204969 , 1995 , Rick Decker, Stuart Hirshfield
Enterprise Java Programming with IBM WebSphere, disk 1
ISBN 9780321185792 , 2003 , Kyle Brown, Gary Craig, Peter M. Jakab,m.fl.
Programming 16-bit PIC Microcontrollers in C: Learning to Fly the PIC 24
ISBN 9781856178709 , 2011 , Lucio Di Jasio
Absolute C++ Plus MyProgrammingLab with Pearson Etext -- Access Card
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Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++: Walls & Mirrors
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Wireless Java Programming With Java 2 Micro Edition
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Just Enough Web Programming with XHTML, PHP, and Mysql
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Programming Python
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Programming Android
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Visual Basic 6 COM+ Programming Bible [With 1]
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Starting Out with Alice: A Visual Introduction to Programming
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Effective Perl programming: writing better programs with Perl
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Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures Through Objects
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C++ Primer
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Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages: Ada, Real-Time Java and C/Real-Time POSIX
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Hcs 12 Microprocessors: Using Assembly and C With Codewarrior
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Online Course Pack: Linear Algebra and Its Applications:(International Edition) with MyMathLab C/C
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Professional Python Frameworks: Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears
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Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 traning guide : 70-480
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JavaTM Open Source Programming: with XDoclet, JUnit, WebWork, Hibernate
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Algorithms, data structures, and problem solving with C++
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Absolute C++, Student Value Edition with 12-Month Student Access Code
ISBN 9780132846813 , 2012 , Walter Savitch, Kenrick Mock
Absolute C++: International Edition with Codemate Student Access Kit
ISBN 9781405846073 , 2006 , Walter J. Savitch, Codemate,m.fl.